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The yearly INFORMS Business Analytics Conference is always packed full of highlights from the keynote speaker to the Edelman Competition to theme sessions to presentation of the Wagner wining paper (this year Intel’s The Sort-Assemble-Blend Routing Problem and its Application to Semiconductors). I always find hidden gems in the Vendor sessions on Sunday. Here I want to briefly highlight two of them. · Irv Lustig (Princeton Consultants): “Pandas for Analytics Practitioners, with Applications in Optimization · Frederic Gardi (Hexaly ): a New Kind of Global Optimization Solver Details about all of the sessions can be found ...
Multiobjective Optimization on a Budget Guest Editors: Richard Allmendinger (University of Manchester, United Kingdom) Serpil Sayin (Koç University, Turkey) Margaret M. Wiecek (Clemson University, United States) Submission deadline: September 30, 2024 Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis is looking for studies that propose multiobjective optimization (MO) and multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) models, methods, and applications to problems featuring limited resources for decision making. Since MO and MCDA provide optimization-based tools to address decision-making problems under conflicting objectives, they have a myriad of applications ...
Nominations are invited for the year Dissertation Prize Competition sponsored by the INFORMS Society on Transportation Science & Logistics. This award is the oldest and most prestigious honor for doctoral dissertations in the transportation science and logistics area. The award is accompanied by a $500 honorarium for the winner. In addition, the winner and the recipient of an honorable mention (if any) each receives an 8x10 plaque announcing the award. The following criteria will be used in judging candidate dissertations. Fundamental contribution and originality of the ideas or methods. Practical importance or applicability in solving important ...
TSL Dissertation Prize 2022: Call for Nominations Nominations are invited for the year Dissertation Prize Competition sponsored by the INFORMS Society on Transportation Science & Logistics. This award is the oldest and most prestigious honor for doctoral dissertations in the transportation science and logistics area. The award is accompanied by a $500 honorarium for the winner. In addition, the winner and the recipient of an honorable mention (if any) each receives an 8x10 plaque announcing the award. The following criteria will be used in judging candidate dissertations. Fundamental contribution and originality of the ideas or methods. Practical ...
As part of our TSL webinar, we are hosting a panel discussion on warehouse software. Among others, we will address the following questions: What is the current state of Warehouse Management Systems, Warehouse Execution Platforms, and specialized warehouse software in practice? What type of information could a researcher assume would be available as an input to a warehouse algorithm? What general knowledge or technology gap areas exist in making advances in such software? The webinar will be held on March 17th, 2022 at 10 AM EST (attention: the US is already in summertime, while Europe is still in wintertime in that week!). For more info, please look here: ...
NGOs and other non-profit organizations can benefit from live streaming in many different ways. Contributors can get more idea of how the funds they donate are used when they can see evidence of this in a live stream. Live streaming fundraisers can also encourage more people to donate. Live streaming is a cost-effective way to reach contributors from across the globe. This can lead to more donations and more families that can receive help. Here are some ways live streaming can be an important tool for an NGO. Extend their reach More people are watching live streaming than ever before and so it offers NGOs the opportunity to extend their reach, get ...
The trucking industry is fundamental for the economy, both local and global. A trucking company employs long-haul drivers in order to transport various goods and items nationally and internationally. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance for any truck company to offer the best services and support seamless transportation of goods from one point to the other. Over the years, especially in the last few years, technology has immersed itself in many aspects of everyone's lives. Many businesses have started incorporating new technologies to enhance productivity and efficiency. The same goes for the trucking industry. Given that today’s consumer requires ...
The modern world is extremely rushed and it is easy to speed through the years that your kids are with you. Before you know it, they will be off to college and then family holidays will be even more scarce. Summer holidays were made for road trips and the perfect time to get back into touch with the clan. Here is how you can make your next road trip the ultimate family event. Get some family input As adults, we often forget or neglect to get some input from the rest of the family when planning the itinerary for the road trip. When you know that your next family event is going to be a road trip, ask your kids where they would want to stop. If they ...
The 2020 INFORMS Workshop on Data Science Hosted by The INFORMS College on Artificial Intelligence National Harbor, MD, USA November 7, 2020 The INFORMS Workshop on Data Science is a premier research conference dedicated to developing data science theories, methods, and algorithms to solve challenging problems and benefit business and society at large. The workshop invites innovative data science research contributions that address business and societal challenges from the lens of statistical learning, data mining, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. The workshop welcomes original research addressing challenges in ...
I am fairly new to the operations research world. In fact, as of writing I am only halfway through my undergraduate years to earn a B.S. in Mathematics. The OR/MS career came to my attention in the middle of my freshman year when I was exploring mathematics-based career options that weren't actuarial science. Since then, I have tried to learn what I can about the vision of the field and the steps I can take to prepare for entry. The advice I read online emphasizes gaining technical skills. Given the increasing digitization of society and the reliance of OR/MS on the volumes of data to which technology gives us access, this doesn't come as a surprise. Knowing ...
In her TEDxCambridge talk "The human insights missing from big data", ethnographer Tricia Wang discusses the importance of the immeasurable, in addition to the measurable, in making business decisions. She calls the former "thick" data, which brings the human narrative, including stories and emotions that "cannot be quantified", into the picture. Watch the video here .
The 2019 Pre-ICIS SIGBPS Workshop on Blockchain Technologies and Smart Contracts Workshop Theme: Security and Trust in the Blockchain Era SIGBPS 2019: December 15, 2019, Munich, Germany ( SIGBPS workshops aim to extend the boundaries of research in business process management and services science by incorporating new elements that have not been sufficiently emphasized in the past. The recent rapid advances in information systems have created both challenges and opportunities to develop new business services via innovative business processes. This workshop promotes theoretical research in business process management and service ...
Dear colleagues, Over the past decade, Management Science has seen a significant increase in papers that are of relevance to the healthcare industry. These papers were routed through different departments, including Operations Management, Information Systems, Innovation, Stochastic Models and Simulation, and Optimization. Since January 2018, the journal has a new Healthcare Management department to further increase the impact of Management Science papers on the healthcare industry. The department’s goal is to publish rigorously defended actionable new insights of direct relevance for healthcare leaders , including clinical leaders, managers, and policy makers. ...
Want to fast track your career in business and smart analytics in 12 months in North West of USA? This is one of the largest number of jobs with the best salaries. Dear Friends and Colleagues, I am very proud to say that we have designed one of the most innovative & affordable graduate degrees in business analytics at the University of Washington! Our 12-month, work-compatible Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) ( ) program at UW Tacoma’s Milgard School of Business prepares graduates to enter the workforce as the next generation of savvy business analysts, project managers, analytics managers, ...
The Certified Analytics Professional Code of Ethics (See CAP Ethics ) is very important to me personally and professionally in my role as a Chief Analytics Officer and in my conduct with clients in the healthcare domain. I work closely with medical professionals in defining and implementing methods for guiding intervention at the point-of-care per the practice of medicine. It occurred to me that while there are many analytics professionals who ply their practice to healthcare, it might be useful to share a particular application relative to the real-time intervention and guidance of interventions relative to patient care. An area of increasing importance and ...
The Growing Problem of Humanizing Robots Introduction One thing that seems to unite many scholars that study robots is the goal of one day creating a fully autonomous human-like robot capable of mimicking all human behaviors and emotions. Advances in artificial intelligence and robotics are beginning to make what was once a thing of science fiction seem not only possible, but probable. To be fair, research has already demonstrated that humans do not need much in the way of prompting to treat and interact with technology as if it was human [1]. Yet, the current trend toward designing robots to be personal assistants, companions and even lovers may have ...
After working for the US Navy for 21 years, the time had come to retire from the military to civilian life. As one of life’s major crossroads, the prospect of career transition was daunting. Fortunately, my participation in INFORMS over the past seven years provided an excellent source of networking and career opportunities to kick-start my job search. First, participation in INFORMS offered many networking opportunities. Through INFORMS, I met an incredibly diverse group of analytical professionals. Many served as invaluable mentors to me throughout my career transition. Some of them had gone through their own transition from the military and passed on ...