First INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society Workshop

Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, CA
Congestion Management of Transportation Systems on the Ground and in the Air
June 26 – 29, 2011
Thanks to Our Sponsors!

Workshop Files Archive
Opening Session
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
Session 6
Session 7
Session 8
Session 9
Conference and Registration Information
Click Here to Register - Early registration deadline is June 3, 2011
Lodging Information and Registration:
- 50 to 80 participants; all participants are expected to attend the entire meeting
- Single plenary session – no parallel sessions
- Because of time constraints, some participants will not give a formal presentation
Michael Ball
Michael Florian
Toi Lawphongpanich
Transportation system delays have become a fact of life. They have come to change the way we live, work and play in fundamental ways. They are a major determinant in where we live. Entire industries have been spawned based on them. The general public has come to accept them as a fact of life; yet, are they truly a necessary evil or can something be done about them?
This workshop will explore the issue of transportation delays from multiple perspectives and for a range of transportation modes. In recent years, there have been significant activities that have sought to use pricing and other market mechanisms to control congestion on road networks and in the air transportation system. Yet, there has been little interaction between the various groups associated with these two modes. One goal of this meeting is to bring these two communities together with the hope of developing a richer combined perspective. The workshop will cover the broad range of transportation science methodologies necessary to analyze these problems and to develop solutions for them, including operations research, policy analysis and economics, to name a few. Topics of specific interest include:
- Congestion pricing
- Airport slot auctions
- Use of advanced technologies in managing congestion
- Traffic models that seek to estimate and understand congestion
- Analysis of air transportation delays
- Analysis of administration mechanisms and policy options for controlling congestion
Conference Fees: $250 for member or non-member, students $150, late registration $300. Fees for lodging are dependent on type of room. Click here for more info:
Timing: June 26 – 29 (arrive Sunday evening, June 26; depart around noon on Wednesday, June 29).
Abstract Submission: Please attach your abstract to an email and send it to the workshop email repository: Your abstract should be at most 250 words and be in PDF format; please include your name, affiliation, address and email address with the abstract. In the body of your email you may include additional information regarding your interest in the workshop such as projects, activities or work experience you have had that are germane to the topic. The deadline for submitting an abstract is Monday, February 28. You will be notified of acceptance of your abstract by Monday, March 14.
The Venue
Nestled along the rocky shoreline of California's famed Monterey Peninsula, Asilomar is a tranquil ocean front retreat cradled by old growth forests and white sand beaches on 107 acres at Asilomar State Beach and Conference Grounds.
Designed by acclaimed architect Julia Morgan and embracing the Arts & Crafts architectural style, Asilomar Conference Grounds harmonizes perfectly with its natural surrounding, and is home to numerous species of indigenous wildlife.
Ecologically diverse and rich with history, scenic beauty and serenity, Asilomar is the ideal location for group meetings, corporate retreats, weddings, family reunions and vacation getaways.
For more information visit:
Monterey Peninsula Airport is 8 miles away and has 28 flights daily from San Francisco, LAX, Phoenix, Denver, San Diego, and Las Vegas airports on American, United, US Air, and Allegiant Air.
San Jose International Airport is 65 miles away, (1 hour 20 minute drive).
San Francisco International Airport is 126 miles away (2 hour drive) and a short 20 minute flight on United airlines into the Monterey Airport.