TSL Workshop 2021 - Rotterdam

8th INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society Workshop

“Interaction in Transport and Logistics”

online, July 19-20, 2021


Erasmus School of Economics is pleased to announce the Call for Abstracts for the 8th INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society Workshop, Interaction in Transport and Logistics. The Workshop will be held online on July 19-20, 2021. All information is also available on the workshop website.

RSM Erasmus Campus

THEME OF THE WORKSHOP: Interaction in Transport and Logistics

This theme captures the two main goals of our workshops:

1) It refers to the main purpose of the workshop, interaction within our community. Especially given that the workshop is online, and social distancing is our everyday norm, this is an important design pillar for planning the workshop.

2) The focus of the theme is on the interaction between supply and demand, i.e., the interaction between providers and users of transport.


What to submit

Researchers interested in giving a presentation are invited to submit a short abstract of one paragraph (roughly five sentences) and a set of at most 10 slides corresponding to the presentation that they intend to give. The purpose of the short abstract is to allow the participants to choose between parallel tracks. Acceptance of a presentation will be based both on the quality of research and the expected level of engagingness of the presentation.

About the presentations

During the era of online conferences, we have observed that short presentations tend to be more engaging and easier to follow for the audiences sitting for long hours behind their screens. Therefore, we would like to ask speakers to give presentations of no more than 10 minutes. Each talk is allocated a time slot of 15 minutes. Presentations will not be recorded.

The submission portal will open before March.


  • Abstract submission deadline:  May 10, 2021
  • Notification of acceptance:       June 21, 2021
  • Final program:                           July 5, 2021
  • Workshop:                                 July 19 – 20, 2021


The registration fee is 35 Euros, and (PhD) students are exempted.


Niels Agatz

Department of Technology and Operations Management
Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)
Erasmus University Rotterdam

Shadi Sharif Azadeh

Department of Econometrics
Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)
Erasmus University Rotterdam

Remy Spliet

Department of Econometrics
Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)
Erasmus University Rotterdam


Name Affiliation
Claudia Archetti  ESSEC Business School
Michel Bierlaire Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
Tolga Bektas  University of Liverpool
Luce Brotcorne  Inria, Lille 
Ann Campbell  University of Iowa
Catherine Cleophas  University of Kiel 
Jean-Francois Cordeau  HEC Montreal 
Teodor Crainic  Université du Québec à Montréal, CIRRELT 
Rommert Dekker Erasmus University Rotterdam
Twan Dollevoet  Erasmus University Rotterdam
Jan Fabian Ehmke  University of Vienna
Alan Erera  Georgia Tech
Özlem Ergun  Northeastern University
Dominique Feillet  Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne
Elena Fernandez  University of Cadiz
Emma Frejinger  Université de Montréal
Margaretha Gansterer University of Vienna
Michel Gendreau  Polytechnique Montréal, CIRRELT
Bernard Gendron  Université de Montréal
Ricardo Giesen  Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Bruce Golden  University of Maryland
Geir Hasle  Sintef
Vera Hemmelmayr  Vienna University of Economics
Mike Hewitt Loyola University Chicago
Dennis Huisman  Erasmus University Rotterdam
Stefan Irnich University of Mainz
Alexandre Jacquillat  MIT
Mathias Klapp  Pontefical Catholic University of Chile
René de Koster  Erasmus University Rotterdam
Gilbert Laporte HEC Montréal and University of Bath
Hani Mahmassani  Northwestern University
Dirk Mattfeld University of Braunschweig
Stefan Minner Technical University Munich
Maciek Nowak Loyola University Chicago
Sophie Parragh Johannes Kepler University Linz
Olivier Péton IMT Atlantique
Jakob Puchinger Centrale SupéPlec
Tal Raviv Tel Aviv University
Juan José Salazar González Universidad de La Laguna
Martin Savelsbergh Georgia Tech
Michael Schneider RWTH Aachen
Jörn Schönberger Technical University Dresden
Marie Schmidt  Erasmus University Rotterdam
Frédéric Semet Ecole Centrale de Lille
Karen Smilowitz Northwestern University
Kenneth Sörensen University of Antwerp
Barrett Thomas University of Iowa
Alejandro Toriello  Georgia Tech
Michal Tzur Tel Aviv University
Marlin Ulmer University of Braunschweig
Luuk Veelenturf  Erasmus University Rotterdam
Thibaut Vidal Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
Daniele Vigo Università di Bologna
Stefan Voss University of Hamburg
Stein Wallace NHH Norwegian School of Economics
Tom van Woensel Eindhoven University of Technology