
Welcome to the INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics (TSL) Society!

The INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics (TSL) Society provides INFORMS members and friends with a sustained, specialized focus on all topics of transportation science and logistics, including current and potential problems and contributions to their solution, and supports efforts to extend, unify, and integrate related branches of knowledge and practice. We encourage the education of students and the continuing education of practitioners.

The Society was formed in 2004 with the merger of the Transportation Science and Logistics Sections. The Aviation Applications Section became an affiliate of the Society in 2008 and all members of the Aviation Applications Section are also members of TSL.

The Society is the editorial home of one of INFORMS’ flagship journals, Transportation Science.

The Society includes five special interest groups: Air Transportation, Freight Transportation and Logistics, Urban Transportation Planning and Modeling, Facility Logistics, and Intelligent Transportation Systems.

TSL includes just under 1,000 members, almost half of whom are students. More are welcome. Find us on Twitter!
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