2024 Transportation Science and Logistics Society Best Student Paper Award
Deadline: 11:59 PM PDT, Friday, June 14, 2024
The TSL Best Student Paper Award is given once a year to an outstanding paper, primarily authored by a student(s), and whose topic is of interest to the broad TSL community. The submitted paper's student author(s) is considered the competition's entrant. The competition finalists (at most five, including the winner and any honorable mention) will be invited to present their results in a special session at the 2024 INFORMS Annual Meeting. The winner will be announced at the TSL Business Meeting held during the 2024 INFORMS Annual Meeting. All finalists will receive a commemorative plaque, and the winning entrant(s) will receive a $500 honorarium (divided among them in the case of multiple winning entrants). In addition, the winning paper, if not published or under review elsewhere, will be invited for a fast-track review at Transportation Science. If the authors choose the fast-track option, a report will be provided by the award committee. This report may be used by the authors to update their paper before submission and should be included with the journal submission as a supplementary file. To be eligible for fast-track, the winning paper must be submitted to Transportation Science no later than June 30th, 2025.
Eligibility Conditions:
The entrant(s) must be a TSL member in the year of the competition.
The entrant(s) must hold a student status on or after January 1, 2024 and the research discussed in the submission must have occurred while the entrant(s) was a student.
The submission may be a working paper written in English at any stage of the publication pipeline; if published, its publication year must be in 2023 or 2024.
A submitted paper cannot be a finalist of a previous TSL student paper prize.
The entrant(s) is the paper's primary author and their contribution to the paper exceeds 50%.
The entrant(s) can submit at most one paper to the competition and cannot be a co-author on any other submission.
Submission Requirements:
In order to enter the competition, you need to submit your entry to the Google form: https://forms.gle/a6tiDMQvrPK7ssQG9
For your submission to be considered complete, you will need to submit the following:
A submitted paper must use the Transportation Science style template, available at https://pubsonline.informs.org/authorportal/latex-style-files; this includes default font and text size. Submissions must follow formatting guidelines; see https://pubsonline.informs.org/page/trsc/submission-guidelines#preparing. In particular, the paper cannot exceed 35 pages in length (including tables, graphs, and references), with a 15-page appendix, submitted as a single PDF using the style template. These submission guidelines apply regardless of the paper's status (working paper, under review, accepted, or published). A paper that is already accepted or published must be reformatted to conform to the submission guidelines. Submissions that do not follow these instructions will be returned without review.
A submission must include a letter in PDF signed by all the paper's co-authors attesting that the submission follows the competition's guidelines. In particular, the letter must certify that the entrant(s) and the paper satisfy the eligibility conditions.
Complete entries must be received by June 14, 2024. Any question(s) related to the competition should be sent by email to the chair of the committee:
Mathias Klapp (maklapp@uc.cl).
2024 Committee Members:
- Iman Dayarian
- Ola Jabali
- Mathias Klapp (chair)
- Sara Reed
- Maximilian Schiffer
- Lei Zhao