Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, CA
June 16-19, 2013
Maritime Transportation and Port Logistics
The second TSL Society Workshop took place June 16-19, 2013, at Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, California. The workshop focused on Maritime Transportation and Port Logistics.
It is estimated that about 90% of all volume and about 70% of the value of all goods transported worldwide is carried by ships. It is perhaps the most essential form of transportation, yet until recent years has it received limited attention in the operations research literature within the academic community. The goal of this workshop is to bring together a combination of academic and industrial participants to discuss the challenges, solutions and ideas for operations research in the maritime transportation and port logistics field. Maritime fleet sizing and composition, terminal management problems and green logistics solutions are some areas of interest, but any topic that falls into the broad area of maritime transportation and port logistics can be considered. Ideally, the presentations and discussions will include different kinds of shipping markets (petroleum, LNG, bulk products, containers, etc.) and bring together a variety of approaches or technology such mathematical optimization, simulation, specialized software, and others.
The full program is available at TSL Workshop Schedule. The list of participants can be found at TSL Workshop Participants. The extended abstracts may be found at TSL Workshop Extended Abstracts.
The extended abstracts of the accepted papers are available in online proceedings for the workshop (see TSL Workshop Extended Abstracts). In addition, several participants of the workshop submitted articles for publication consideration to a Transportation Science focused issue on Maritime Transportation and Port Logistics. The aim of the focused issue is to present original, cutting-edge contributions – methodological and theoretical developments, as well as innovative and insight-provoking applications – that address a wide variety of issues in the modeling, planning, and management of maritime transportation and port logistics systems.
Kevin C. Furman (chair), ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company
Faramroze Engineer, SK Innovation
Harilaos N. Psaraftis, Technical University of Denmark
Jørgen Glomvik Rakke, Norwegian University of Science and Technology