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TSL Business Meeting 2023


Like every year, we held our business meeting during the INFORMS Annual Meeting - meaning we got to visit Phoenix, Arizona, this year! 

We are happy to not only announce our new TSL officers, but also the winners of our awards! 

Following on Alejandro (2023) and Margaretha (2024), Jen Pazour will be our TSL president 2025. Congrats! Further, four SIGs voted for new vice-chairs (Reem Khir for Facilities, Jeff Ohlmann for Freight, Nikola Markovic for ITS, and Qi Luo for Urban) and three new international liaisons started their duty (Felipe Lagos for Americas, Changhyun Kwon for Asia/Oceania, and Shadi Sharif Azadeh for EAME). Yu Yang will become the new TSL Cluster Vice-Chair. We are extremely grateful for the time you are going to spend, and also would like to thank the outgoing officers Jan, Jen, Sasha, Terry, Samitha, Mathias, Hai, and Sara for their contribution in the last year(s)! 

This year, for the first time we awarded both a mid-career and a lifetime achievement award! Further, we honored the best dissertation, and the best paper, the best student paper, and the best paper published in TS. To support collaboration in the future, we also awarded four cross-regional grants. 

Award Winner Honorable Mention
Herman Lifetime Achievement Award Hani Mahmassani (Northwestern University)
Dafermos Mid-Career Award Ola Jabali (Politecnico di Milano)
TSL Dissertation Award Luying Sun (Virginia Tech) Jingwei Zhang (UCLA)
TSL Best Paper Award Wei Qi, Yuli Zhang, Ningwei Zhang
Sara Reed, Ann Campbell, Barrett Thomas
ITS SIG Paper Award Kirby Ledvina, Hanzhang Qin, David Simchi-Levi, Yehua Wei
TSL Best Student Paper Award

Moïse Blanchard

Baizhi Song
TS Best Paper Award

Alexandre Jaquillat

TS Best Paper Award

Nicholas Kullman, Martin Cousineau, Justin Goodson, Jorge Mendoza

TSL Cross-Regional Grant - Doctoral Students

Breno Serrano de Araujo
(visiting Alexandre Jacquillat)

TSL Cross-Regional Grant - Doctoral Students

Youngseo Kim
(visiting Francisco Pereira)

TSL Cross-Regional Grant 

Kenan Zhang and Zhengtian Xu

TSL Cross-Regional Grant 

Layla Martin, Yeqing Zhou, Sheng Liu, Alys Liang


