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Photos of the TSL Conference 2023


... and it's a wrap! 

TSL 2023 was a blast (once again), and I was so happy to see more than 200 transport enthusiasts in Chicago. 

A big thank-you goes to the organizers, headed by Sandra for the TSL conference committee and Mike from Loyola University. You turned this into an amazing conference! 

Also, we owe a big thank you to all sponsors which made this conference possible! 

Lastly, the conference would not have happened without so many speakers, and of course the many attendees! In total, we had over 150 presentations, two keynotes, and one tutorial. 

I believe I speak for everyone if I say that I absolutely enjoyed getting back in touch with so many colleagues after such a long time! 

The obvious touristic highlight was of course the conference dinner above the roofs of Chicago: 

(conference photos: Clare Britt, conference dinner photo: Layla Martin)

There's many more photos:


