Marketing Science Conference

ISMS Marketing Science Conferences

The ISMS Marketing Science Conference is the premier gathering place for marketing scholars to exchange ideas and research through 12+ parallel tracks of short-format research presentations over 2.5 days. Organized annually by the INFORMS Society for Marketing Science, the conference features society updates, awards recognizing excellence in the field, a Women in Marketing Science luncheon, meet the editors panels, and editorial board meetings for our flagship journal Marketing Science. Typically held the last week of June (outside of North America every third year), submissions for research presentations are due in January and welcome from all. With thought-provoking content and abundant networking opportunities, the ISMS Conference is the largest gathering of academic marketing scientists globally.

The Next ISMS Marketing Science Conference

2025 – Washington, DC
Anindita Chakravarty, Hua Chen, Pengyuan Wang, Neil Bendle
University of Georgia 
June 12-14, 2025

Upcoming ISMS Marketing Science Conferences

2026 – TBD 
June 25-27, 2026

2027 – TBD  
June 24-26, 2027

Past ISMS Marketing Science Conferences

1979 – Stanford University
David B. Montgomery, Dick Wittink

1980 – UT, Austin
Robert Leone

1981 – NYU, New York
John Keon

1982 – Wharton, Penn
Vijay Mahajan, Yoram Wind

1983 – USC, LA
Fred Zufryden

1984 – University of Chicago
Steven Shugan

1985 – Vanderbilt University
Russel Winer, Allan Shocker

1986 – UT, Dallas
Ram Rao

1987 – HEC, France
Dominique Hanssens, Gilles Laurent

1988 – University of Washington
Allan Shocker, Robert Jacobson

1989 – Duke University
John McCann, Richard Staelin

1990 – University of Illinois
S. Sudharshan

1991 – University of Delaware/Dupont
Meryl Gardner, John Frey

1992 LBS, London
Mark Uncles, Gerald Goodhardt

1993 – WashU, Set. Louis
Chakravarthi Narasimhan

1994 – University of Arizona
Dipankar Chakravarti, Amber Rao

1995 – UNSW, Sydney
John Roberts, Pamela Morrison

1996 – University of Florida
Steven Shugan, Barton Weitz

1997 – UC Berkeley
Tulin Erdem, Miguel Villas-Boas, Russell Winer

1998 – INSEAD, France
Erin Anderson, Hubert Gatignon

1999 – Syracuse University
Amiya Basu, T. Mazumdar, S. P. Raj

2000 – UCLA
Randolph Bucklin, Donald Morrison

2001 – University of Mainz
Oliver Heil

2002 – University of Alberta
Peter T. L. Popkowski Leszczyc

2003 – University of Maryland
Brian Ratchford, Roland Rust, Venky Shenkar

2004 – Erasmus University
Stefan Stremersch

2005 – Emory University
Sundar Bharadwaj, Douglas Bowman, Sandy Jap

2006 – University of Pittsburgh
Rabi Chatterjee, Jeff Inman, R. Venkatesh

2007 – SMU, Singapore
Sundar Bharadwaj, Jin K. Han, David B. Montgomery, Chin Tiong Tan

2008 – University of British Columbia
Charles B. Weinberg, Darren Dahl, Daniel Putler

2009 – University of Michigan
Eugene Anderson, Fred Feinberg

2010 – University of Cologne
Werner Reinartz, Karen Gedenk, Franziska Völckner

2011 – Rice University
Richard R. Batsell, Sharad Borle, Ajay Kalra, Amit Pazgal

2012 – Boston University
Shuba Srinivasan, Patrick Kaufmann

2013 – Ozyegin University
Erhan Erkut, Tulin Erdem (NYU), Koen Pauwels

2014 – Emory University
Douglas Bowman, Sandy Jap

2015 – Johns Hopkins University
Dipankar Chakravarti, Jian Ni, Shubhranshu Singh

2016 – Fudan University
Ming Ding, Xiongwen Lu

2017 – USC, LA
Gerard J. Tellis

2018 – Temple University
Xueming Luo

2019 - University of Roma, Rome, Italy
Tulin Erdem (NYU), Russ Winer (NYU), Alberto Pezzi, Luca Petruzzellis (Univ of Bari Aldo Moro)

2020 – Duke University, Online
Rick Staelin, Carl Mela

2021 – University of Rochester, Online
Mitch Lovett

2022 – University of Chicago, Online
Pradeep Chintagunta, J.P. Dubé, Günter Hitsch, Sanjog Misra

2023 – University of Miami
Joseph Johnson

2024 – University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia
Harald van Heerde, Valentyna Melnyk, Maggie Dong, John Roberts