Frank M. Bass Dissertation Paper Award

The Frank M. Bass Dissertation Paper Award is given annually to the best marketing paper derived from a PhD thesis published in an INFORMS journal.

Frank Bass (1926-2006) (PhD 1954, Illinois), whose academic career included positions at Texas-Austin, Ohio State, Purdue, and Texas-Dallas, was a mentor/advisor to many PhD students who went on to become prominent marketing scholars, and as a founder of marketing science helped diffuse economics and statistics into marketing.


2023 Winner:

Li, Kathleen T. and Christophe Van den Bulte (2023), “Augmented Difference-in-Differences,” Marketing Science, 42(4), 746-767. (Based on Kathy’s dissertation (2018) completed at the University of Pennsylvania.)


2023 Finalists:

  • Ghili, Soheil (2022), “Network Formation and Bargaining in Vertical Markets: The Case of Narrow Networks in Health Insurance,” Marketing Science, 41(3), 501-527.
  • Jiang, Zhenling (2022), “An Empirical Bargaining Model with Left-Digit Bias: A Study on Auto Loan Monthly Payments,” Management Science, 68(1), 442-465.


Click here for the award selection protocol.

Award Nomination Process

 The Bass Award is given to the best marketing paper derived from a Ph.D. thesis published in an INFORMS-sponsored journal according to the following eligibility requirements:

  • The paper should have appeared in print in an INFORMS journal between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2023, and

  • The paper must have been accepted for publication within seven years from the date the thesis was finally approved.

  • In the case of multiple authors, nomination implies that the Ph.D. recipient made the primary contribution to the publication.  The Ph.D. advisor nominating the paper should certify that the Ph.D. recipient made the primary contribution to the paper.  Further, either the Ph.D. recipient should be the first author or authorship should be in alphabetical order. 

A paper can be nominated at most twice (in two successive years) and an individual can win this award only once.  We strongly suggest that nominations be submitted by the thesis advisor.  

The nominating material must include the title of the paper, name of the student, names of co-authors (if any), name of the degree-granting institution, date the thesis was finally approved, members of the thesis committee, and complete reference citation for the article. The nomination packet must also include the abstract that appeared when the paper was published.  All material must be electronically uploaded to the INFORMS award platform.

The voting process is handled entirely by Beth West at INFORMS. Nobody from ISMS or the journal editor team has any role in the voting process, and they cannot see the votes.

Click the link below to begin the nomination process. Nominators can use their INFORMS username and password if they have one or they can easily create a username and password for the platform. For all technical support, please contact Beth West at