ISMS Doctoral Dissertation Award

Winners of the 2023 ISMS Doctoral Dissertation Award

The INFORMS Society for Marketing Science (ISMS) would like to announce the winners of the 2023 ISMS Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Competition.

The winners are (in alphabetical order):

Mingyung Kim

“An Integrative Solution for Data and Parameter Aggregation Problems in Marketing”

The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (PhD Co-Chair: Eric Bradlow and Raghuram Iyengar)

ISMS Doctoral Dissertation Award 

Malika Korganbekova

“Regulating Data Usage”

Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University (PhD Co-Chair: Eric Anderson and Brett Gordon)

The Sheth Foundation ISMS Doctoral Dissertation Award

Walter Zhang

“Optimal Comprehensible Targeting”

University of Chicago (PhD Chair: Sanjog Misra)

The Vithala R. and Saroj V. Rao ISMS Doctoral Dissertation Award 


The finalists are (in alphabetical order):

Henrique Laurino dos Santos

“Inferring and Optimizing Momentum Effects in Digital Marketing”

University of Pennsylvania (PhD Chair: Peter Fader)

Samuel Levy

“Essays on Bayesian Machine Learning in Marketing”

Carnegie Mellon University (PhD Chair: Alan Montgomery)

Ivan Li

Sponsorship Disclosure and Reputation in the Creator Economy: Evidence from Twitch”

Stanford Graduate School of Business (PhD Chair: Wesley Hartmann)

Fei Teng

“Can customer ratings be discrimination amplifiers? Evidence from a gig economy platform”

Yale University (PhD Chair: K. Sudhir)

The winners were chosen from a set of strong submissions by a selection committee consisting of Professors Juanjuan Zhang (chair, MIT), Marnik Dekimpe (Tilburg and KU Leuven), Jacob Goldenberg (IDC), Krista Li (Indiana), and Xiao Liu (NYU).

Each winner will be awarded a prize of $5,000, while every finalist will receive $2,500. Additionally, they will be invited to the 2024 ISMS Doctoral Consortium, which precedes the ISMS Marketing Science Conference. At this event, we will celebrate their achievements and honor their contributions.

ISMS  Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Competition

This dissertation proposal competition is held annually and recognizes the best doctoral dissertation proposals on important topics in marketing science. 

Award Committee

The dissertation proposals will be reviewed and ranked by members of a committee of experts. The committee members cannot be an advisor to a student in the competition and must recuse themselves from decisions involving any students from the same university.  

Application Eligibility Criteria  

Any student member of ISMS is eligible to participate in this competition, provided that:

- The candidate or his/her advisor/chair has been a dues-paying member of ISMS for at least two years (including the current year).

- The candidate is registered at an accredited university to receive the degree of PhD in business or marketing.

- The candidate’s advisor/chair certifies that the proposal for the dissertation has been approved by the candidate’s committee, school or university by September 30 of that year.

- The candidate’s advisor/chair certifies that the dissertation will not be completed by December 31st of that year.

- The dissertation has not already won an ISMS dissertation award or grant in prior years.

ISMS encourages applications from PhD students of all backgrounds, universities, and research traditions and actively encourages applications from PhD students from underrepresented minority groups in marketing academia. ISMS is committed to ensuring diversity, equity and inclusion within our field.  

Evaluation Criteria: The committee will use the following criteria to judge the proposals:

  1.   Problem importance
  2.   Likely theoretical contribution, and/or advance in marketing science
  3.   Likely contribution to marketing practice
  4.   Appropriateness of method/research design

The winner(s) are expected to be announced by December 31 of that year.

Responsibility of Award Recipients

Award recipients will present their research at a special session to be organized as part of the 2022 Marketing Science conference.

For any further questions and information regarding the submission of both proposals, please contact:

Jiwoong Shin, VP Education, ISMS

Professor of Marketing, Yale University