APS Awards and Nominations

APS Awards and Nominations

The Applied Probability Society of INFORMS offers three prizes each year. One prize is the best student paper prize (started in 2017). One prize alternates between the Best Publication in Applied Probability Award (in odd numbered years) and the Erlang Prize for Early Career Applied Probabilists (in even numbered years). One prize is the David Blackwell Prize (started in 2023). The list of current members of the Prize Committee can be found here.

Latest Calls for Nominations: 

    • Erlang Prize (2024)
    • Best Student Paper Prize (2024)
      • **Note : if you are having any issues compiling the latex template, please try commenting out the line \usepackage{eqndefns-left}, and removing the word fleqn in the \documentclass , so the header instead reads \documentclass[stsy]{informs4}  .  If this does not work, you may submit a .pdf generated using a different latex template of your choosing (although we sincerely request you attempt the above fix first).
    • Best Publication Award (2023)
    • Blackwell Prize (2024)

Best Student Paper Prize

      • Award Information
      • Recent Winner: Yanlin Qu (Stanford University) 
      • Recent Finalists: David Cheikhi (Columbia University), Anna Winnicki (UIUC), Yunbei Xu (Columbia University)
      • Past Award Winners

2023 APS Best Student Paper Finalists

Best Publication in Applied Probability Award

2023 APS Best Publication Winners

Erlang Prize for Early Career Applied Probabilists

Sid Banerjee (2022 APS Erlang Prize Winner)

    Blackwell Prize

    Onno Boxma (2023 APS Blackwell Prize Winner)