A number of winners of major INFORMS prizes have either been Applied Probability Society members or have done a significant amount of their most important work within the applied probability domain. Below are a list of such individuals who have won either the von Neumann Prize or the Lanchester Prize, as well as a list of INFORMS fellows.
- Kenneth Arrow
- Richard Barlow
- Saif Benjaafar
- Oded Berman
- U. Narayan Bhat
- David Blackwell
- Alfred Blumstein
- John A. Buzacott
- Xiuli Chao
- Stephen Chick
- Erhan Cinlar
- Jim Dai
- Ralph Disney
- Pierre L'Ecuyer
- Awi Federgruen
- Eugene A. Feinberg
- George Fishman
- Robert Freund
- Michael C. Fu
- David Gamarnik
- Donald Gaver
- Paul Glasserman
- Kevin Glazebrook
- Peter Glynn
- Stephen C. Graves
- Linda V. Green
- Donald Gross
- Peter J. Haas
- J. Michael Harrison
- Shane G. Henderson
- Daniel P. Heyman
- Frederick S. Hillier
- Y.C. Ho
- Ronald Howard
- Donald Iglehart
- Garud Iyengar
- Sheldon H. Jacobson
- Patrick Jaillet
- Edward H. Kaplan
- Samuel Karlin
- Michael N. Katehakis
- Leonard Kleinrock
- Peter J. Kolesar
- Richard Larson
- John P. Lehoczky
- Mark Lewis
- John D.C. Little
- Costis Maglaras
- Avishai Mandelbaum
- William Massey
- David Morton
- Richard E. Nance
- Barry L. Nelson
- Felix Pollaczek
- Stephen M. Pollock
- Frank Proschan
- Martin Puterman
- Kavita Ramanan
- Martin Reiman
- Edwin Romeijn
- Sheldon M. Ross
- Uriel Rothblum
- Andrzej Ruszczynski
- Robert G. Sargent
- Rakesh Kumar Sarin
- Herbert Scarf
- Bruce W. Schmeiser
- Lee Schruben
- Leslie D. Servi
- Suresh P. Sethi
- J. George Shanthikumar
- Kalyan Singhal
- Robert Smith
- Matthew J. Sobel
- Jing-Sheng Jeannette Song
- Mark S. Squillante
- Shaler Stidham
- Alexander Stolyar
- Lajos Takacs
- Marlin U. Thomas
- John N. Tsitsiklis
- Arthur Veinott
- Lawrence M. Wein
- Ward Whitt
- Peter Whittle
- Ruth Williams
- Eric Wolman
- David D. Yao
- Assaf Zeevi
- Stefanios Zenios
- Paul H. Zipkin