David Goldberg
School of Operations Research and Information Engineering Cornell University Email: dag369@cornell.edu
Jose Blanchet
Department of Management Science and Engineering Stanford University Email: jblanche@stanford.edu
Itai Gurvich
School of Operations Research and Information Engineering Cornell University
Email: gurvich@cornell.edu
Amy Ward
Booth School of Business University of Chicago
Email: amy.ward@chicagobooth.edu
John Hasenbein
Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Texas at Austin
Email: jhas@mail.utexas.edu
Mark Lewis
School of Operations Research and Information Engineering Cornell University
Email: mark.lewis@cornell.edu
Shane Henderson
School of Operations Research and Information Engineering Cornell University
Email: sgh9@cornell.edu
Sunil Kumar
Graduate School of Business Stanford University
Email: Kumar_Sunil@gsb.stanford.edu
Marty Reiman
Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent
Email: marty@research.bell-labs.com
Peter Glynn
Management Science and Engineering Stanford University
Email: glynn@stanford.edu
Karl Sigman
Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Columbia University
Email: ks20@columbia.edu
Les Servi
MIT Lincoln Labs
Email: servi@ll.mit.edu
Rhonda Righter
Industrial Engineering and Operations Research University of California, Berkeley
Email: rrighter@ieor.berkeley.edu
Larry Wein
Graduate School of Business Stanford University
Email: wein_lawrence@gsb.stanford.edu
Hong Chen
Sauder School of Business University of British Columbia
Email: hong.chen@sauder.ubc.ca
Bharat Doshi
Email: btd@hoserve.att.com
Vidyadhar G. Kulkarni
Department of Statistics and Operations Research University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Email: vkulkarn@email.unc.edu
David D. Yao
Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Columbia University
Email: yao@columbia.edu
George Shanthikumar
Industrial Engineering and Operations Research University of California, Berkeley
Email: shanthikumar@ieor.berkeley.edu
Shaler Stidham, Jr.
Department of Statistics and Operations Research University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Email: sandy@email.unc.edu
Donald P. Gaver
Operations Research Department Naval Postgraduate School
Email: dgaver@nps.edu
N.U. Prabhu
Ward Whitt
Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Columbia University
Email: ww2040@columbia.edu
Julian Keilson †
Richard Serfozo
School of Industrial and Systems Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Email: richard.serfozo@isye.gatech.edu
Robert B. Cooper
Computer Science and Engineering Florida Atlantic University
Email: bob@cse.fau.edu
Peter Purdue
Operational and Information Sciences Naval Postgraduate School
Email: GSOIS_Dean@nps.edu
Teunis Ott
Ralph L. Disney †
Carl M. Harris †
U. Narayan Bhat
Department of Statistical Science Southern Methodist University
Email: nbhat@mail.smu.edu
Daniel P. Heyman
Marcel Neuts †