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Management Science
Management Science
Management Science
Papers published in the IS department of
Management Science
in the past 7 years:
Privacy Regulation and Barriers to Public Health
(Joseph R. Buckman, Idris Adjerid, Catherine Tucker)
It Was 50 Years Ago Today: Recording Copyright Term and the Supply of Music
(Jeremy Watson, Megan MacGarvie, John McKeon)
The Square Root Agreement Rule for Incentivizing Truthful Feedback on Online Platforms
(Vijay Kamble, Nihar Shah, David Marn, Abhay Parekh, Kannan Ramchandran)
The Effects of Health Information Exchange Access on Healthcare Quality and Efficiency: An Empirical Investigation
(Ramkumar Janakiraman, Eunho Park, Emre M. Demirezen, Subodha Kumar)
What (Exactly) Is Novelty in Networks? Unpacking the Vision Advantages of Brokers, Bridges, and Weak Ties
(Sinan Aral, Paramveer S. Dhillon)
Quantum Economic Advantage
(Francesco Bova, Avi Goldfarb, Roger G. Melko)
Learning to Successfully Hire in Online Labor Markets
(Marios Kokkodis, Sam Ransbotham)
Impact of Health Information Exchange Adoption on Referral Patterns
(Saeede Eftekhari, Niam Yaraghi, Ram D. Gopal, Ram Ramesh)
Green Cloud? An Empirical Analysis of Cloud Computing and Energy Efficiency
(Jiyong Park, Kunsoo Han, Byungtae Lee)
Incentive Misalignments in Programmatic Advertising: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment
(Thomas W. Frick, Rodrigo Belo, Rahul Telang)
Algorithmic Transparency With Strategic Users
(Qiaochu Wang, Yan Huang, Stefanus Jasin, Param Vir Singh)
Regulating Professional Players in Peer-to-Peer Markets: Evidence from Airbnb
(Wei Chen, Zaiyan Wei, Karen Xie)
Panda Games: Corporate Q:2 Disclosure in the Eclipse of Search
(Kemin Wang, Xiaoyun Yu, Bohui Zhang)
Learning Outside the Classroom During a Pandemic: Evidence from an Artificial Intelligence-Based Education App
(Ga Young Ko, Donghyuk Shin, Seigyoung Auh, Yeonjung Lee, Sang Pil Han)
Marketplace Scalability and Strategic Use of Platform Investment
(Jin Li, Gary Pisano, Yejia Xu, Feng Zhu)
Cost-Restricted Feature Selection for Data Acquisition
(Xiaoping Liu, Xiao-Bai Li, Sumit Sarkar)
So, Who Likes You? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment
(Ravi Bapna, Edward McFowland, III, Probal Mojumder, Jui Ramaprasad, Akhmed Umyarov)
Health Wearables, Gamification, and Healthful Activity
(Muhammad Zia Hydari, Idris Adjerid, Aaron D. Striegel)
Do Political Differences Inhibit Market Transactions? An Investigation in the Context of Online Lending
(Hongchang Wang, Eric Overby)
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Sequential Targeting
(Wen Wang, Beibei Li, Xueming Luo, Xiaoyi Wang)
The Good, the Bad, and the Unhirable: Recommending Job Applicants in Online Labor Markets
(Marios Kokkodis, Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis)
Scaling Smart Contracts via Layer-2 Technologies: Some Empirical Evidence
(Lin William Cong, Xiang Hui, Catherine Tucker, Luofeng Zhou)
Matching Returning Donors to Projects on Philanthropic Crowdfunding Platforms
(Song, Li, Sahoo)
Measuring the Impact of Crowdsourcing Features on Mobile App User Engagement and Retention: A Randomized Field Experiment
(GU, Bapna, Chan, Gupta)
Competitive Entry of Information Goods under Quality Uncertainty
(Zhang, Nan, Li, Tan)
Do Electronic Health Record Systems Increase Medicare Reimbursements? The Moderating Effect of the Recovery Audit Program
(Ganju, Atasoy, Pavlou)
Gain-Loss Incentives and Physical Activity: The Role of Choice and Wearable Health Tools
(Adjerid, Loewenstein, Purta, Striegel)
Circumventing Circumvention: An Economic Analysis of the Role of Education and Enforcement
(Dey, Ghoshal, Lahiri)
Implications of Data Anonymization on the Statistical Evidence of Disparity
(Xu, Zhang)
How Do Peer Awards Motivate Creative Content? Experimental Evidence From Reddit
(Burtch, He, Hong, Lee)
How Does Online Lending Influence Bankruptcy Filings?
(Wang, Overby)
Turn Your Online Weight Management from Zero to Hero: A Multi-Dimensional Continuous-Time Evaluation
(Zhou, Yan, Wang, Tan)
Monetary Incentives and Knowledge Spillover: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
(Wang, Li, Hui)
Consumer Consent and Firm Targeting after GDPR: The Case of a Large Telecom Provider
(Godinho de Matos, Adjerid)
Un"Fair Machine Learning Algorithms"
(Fu, Aseri, Singh, Srinivasan)
Quality Regulation on Two-Sided Platforms: Exclusion, Subsidization, and First-party Applications
(Huang, lyu, Xu)
Spillovers from Online Engagement: How a Newspaper Subscriber's Activation of Digital Paywall Access Affects Her Retention and Subscription Revenue
(Pattabhiramaiah, Overby, Xu)
The Creator Economy: Managing Ecosystem Supply, Revenue-Sharing, and Platform Design
How Much is Financial Advice Worth? The Transparency-Revenue Tension in Social Trading
(Yang, Zheng, Mookerjee)
Coping with Digital Extortion: An Experimental Study on Benefit Appeals and Normative Appeals
(Chen, Wang, Lang)
Auctioning IT Contracts with Renegotiable Scope
(Huang, Li, Liu, Xu)
More than the Quantity: The Value of Editorial Reviews for a UGC Platform
(Deng, Zheng, Khern-am-nuai, Kannan)
From Contextualizing to Context-Theorizing: Assessing Context Effects in Privacy Research
(Xu, Zhang)
Data Breach Announcements and Stock Market Reactions: A Matter of Timing?
(Foerderer, Schuetz)
Why Bitcoin will Fail to Scale?
(Malik, Aseri, Singh, Srinivasan)
Anti-Racist Curriculum and Digital Platforms: Evidence from Black Lives Matter
(Agarwal, Sen)
The Battle for Homes: How Does Home Sharing Disrupt Local Residential Markets?
(Chen, Wei, Xie)
Economics of Ransomware: Risk Interdependence and Large-Scale Attacks
(August, Dao, Niculescu)
Social Referral Programs for Freemium Platforms
(Belo, Li)
Two-Sided Platform Competition in a Sharing Economy
(Zhang, Chen, Raghunathan)
Histogram Distortion Bias in Consumer Choices
(Lu, Wang, Yuan, Zhang)
Competition, Contracts, and Creativity: Evidence from Novel Writing in a Platform Market
(Wu, Zhu)
Internet Governance Through Site Shutdowns: The Impact of Shutting Down Two Major Commercial Sex Advertising Sites
(Zeng, Danaher, Smith)
Fending off Critics of Platform Power with Differential Revenue Sharing: Doing Well by Doing Good?
(Bhargava, Wang, Zhang)
Social Learning in Information Technology Investment: The Role of Board Interlocks
(Zhuo (June) Cheng, Arun Rai, Feng Tian, Sean Xin Xu)
How Do Product Attributes and Reviews Moderate the Impact of Recommender Systems Through Purchase Stages?
(Dokyun Lee, Kartik Hosanagar)
Trust and Disintermediation: Evidence from an Online Freelance Marketplace
(Grace Gu, Feng Zhu)
Creating Social Contagion Through Firm-Mediated Message Design: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment
(Tianshu Sun, Siva Viswanathan, Elena Zheleva)
Competition for Attention in Online Social Networks: Implications for Seeding Strategies
(Sarah Gelper, Ralf van der Lans, Gerrit van Bruggen)
Platform Preannouncement Strategies: The Strategic Role of Information in Two-Sided Markets Competition
(Ramnath K. Chellappa, Rajiv Mukherjee)
How Digital Word-of-Mouth Affects Consumer Decision Making: Evidence from Doctor Appointment Booking
(Aishwarya Deep Shukla, Guodong (Gordon) Gao, Ritu Agarwal)
Bundling for Flexibility and Variety: An Economic Model for Multiproducer Value Aggregation
(Hemant K. Bhargava)
Digital Paywall Design: Implications for Content Demand and Subscriptions
(Sinan Aral, Paramveer S. Dhillon)
The Impact of Social vs. Nonsocial Referring Channels on Online News Consumption
(Sagit Bar-Gill, Yael Inbar, Shachar Reichman)
Competition Among Proprietary and Open-Source Software Firms: The Role of Licensing in Strategic Contribution
(Terrence August, Wei Chen, Kevin Zhu)
Ideology and Composition Among an Online Crowd: Evidence from Wikipedians
(Shane Greenstein, Grace Gu, Feng Zhu)
When the Stars Shine Too Bright: The Influence of Multidimensional Ratings on Online Consumer Ratings
(Christoph Schneider, Markus Weinmann, Peter N.C. Mohr, Jan vom Brocke)
Electronic Trace Data and Legal Outcomes: The Effect of Electronic Medical Records on Malpractice Claim Resolution Time
(Sam Ransbotham, Eric M. Overby, Michael C. Jernigan)
Demand-Aware Career Path Recommendations: A Reinforcement Learning Approach
(Marios Kokkodis, Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis)
Information Seeding and Knowledge Production in Online Communities: Evidence from OpenStreetMap
(Abhishek Nagaraj)
Do Digital Platforms Reduce Moral Hazard? The Case of Uber and Taxis
(Meng Liu, Erik Brynjolfsson, Jason Dowlatabadi)
What Makes Geeks Tick? A Study of Stack Overflow Careers
(Lei Xu, Tingting Nian, Luís Cabral)
Reducing Capital Market Anomaly: The Role of Information Technology Using an Information Uncertainty Lens
(Ning Jia, Arun Rai, Sean Xin Xu)
An Experiment in Hiring Discrimination via Online Social Networks
(Alessandro Acquisti, Christina Fong)
Facilitating Inclusive Global Trade: Evidence from a Field Experiment
(Xiang Hui)
Can Reputation Discipline the Gig Economy? Experimental Evidence from an Online Labor Market
(Alan Benson, Aaron Sojourner, Akhmed Umyarov)
Drug Abuse and the Internet: Evidence from Craigslist
(Jiayi Liu, Anandhi Bharadwaj)
Frenemies in Platform Markets: Heterogeneous Profit Foci as Drivers of Compatibility Decisions
(Ron Adner, Jianqing Chen, Feng Zhu)
On Optimal Auctions for Mixing Exclusive and Shared Matching in Platforms
(Hemant K. Bhargava, Gergely Csapó, Rudolf Müller)
Paying to Program? Engineering Brand and High-Tech Wages
(Prasanna Tambe, Xuan Ye, Peter Cappelli)
Preserving Bidder Privacy in Assignment Auctions: Design and Measurement
(De Liu, Adib Bagh)
Steering in Online Markets: The Role of Platform Incentives and Credibility
(Moshe A. Barach, Joseph M. Golden, John J. Horton)
Interfirm Exchange and Innovation in Platform Ecosystems: Evidence from Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference
(Jens Foerderer)
Forum Size and Content Contribution per Person: A Field Experiment
(Jiye Baek, Jesse Shore)
Data Analytics, Innovation, and Firm Productivity
(Lynn Wu, Lorin Hitt, Bowen Lou)
The Impact of E-book Distribution on Print Sales: Analysis of a Natural Experiment
(Hailiang Chen, Yu Jeffrey Hu, Michael D. Smith)
Motivating User-Generated Content with Performance Feedback: Evidence from Randomized Field Experiments
(Ni Huang, Gordon Burtch, Bin Gu, Yili Hong, Chen Liang, Kanliang Wang, Dongpu Fu, Bo Yang)
Get with the Program: Software-Driven Innovation in Traditional Manufacturing
(Lee G. Branstetter, Matej Drev, Namho Kwon)
Online Piracy and the “Longer Arm” of Enforcement
(Debabrata Dey, Antino Kim, Atanu Lahiri)
Open Source Software and Firm Productivity
(Frank Nagle)
Modeling Consumer Footprints on Search Engines: An Interplay with Social Media
(Anindya Ghose, Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis, Beibei Li)
Winners, Losers, and Facebook: The Role of Social Logins in the Online Advertising Ecosystem
(Jan Krämer, Daniel Schnurr, Michael Wohlfarth)
Cardinality Bundling with Spence–Mirrlees Reservation Prices
(Jianqing “Fisher” Wu, Mohit Tawarmalani, Karthik N. Kannan)
IT Investment Under Competition: The Role of Implementation Failure
(Mingdi Xin, Vidyanand Choudhary)
Saving Patient Ryan—Can Advanced Electronic Medical Records Make Patient Care Safer?
(Muhammad Zia Hydari, Rahul Telang, William M. Marella)
An Analysis of Search and Authentication Strategies for Online Matching Platforms
(Amit Basu, Sreekumar Bhaskaran, Rajiv Mukherjee)
Mobile Messaging for Offline Group Formation in Prosocial Activities: A Large Field Experiment
(Tianshu Sun, Guodong (Gordon) Gao, Ginger Zhe Jin)
The Effects of Asymmetric Social Ties, Structural Embeddedness, and Tie Strength on Online Content Contribution Behavior
(Rishika Rishika, Jui Ramaprasad)
When Private Information Settles the Bill: Money and Privacy in Google’s Market for Smartphone Applications
(Michael Kummer, Patrick Schulte)
Buyer Uncertainty About Seller Capacity: Causes, Consequences, and a Partial Solution
(John J. Horton)
When and How to Diversify—A Multicategory Utility Model for Personalized Content Recommendation
(Yicheng Song, Nachiketa Sahoo, Elie Ofek)
Dynamic Decision Making in Sequential Business-to-Business Auctions: A Structural Econometric Approach
(Yixin Lu, Alok Gupta, Wolfgang Ketter, Eric van Heck)
Information Transparency in Business-to-Business Auction Markets: The Role of Winner Identity Disclosure
(Yixin Lu, Alok Gupta, Wolfgang Ketter, Eric van Heck)
Market Segmentation and Software Security: Pricing Patching Rights
(Terrence August, Duy Dao, Kihoon Kim)
Data Analytics Supports Decentralized Innovation
(Lynn Wu, Bowen Lou, Lorin Hit)
Mobile Targeting Using Customer Trajectory Patterns
(Anindya Ghose, Beibei Li, Siyuan Liu)
Ethics, Bounded Rationality, and IP Sharing in IT Outsourcing
(Krishnan S. Anand, Manu Goya)
Coordination Is Hard: Electronic Auction Mechanisms for Increased Efficiency in Transportation Logistics
(Paul Karaenke, Martin Bichler, Stefan Minner)
Information Technology, Repeated Contracts, and the Number of Suppliers
(Sinan Aral, Yannis Bakos, Erik Brynjolfsson)
A Model of Product Design and Information Disclosure Investments
(Panos M. Markopoulos, Kartik Hosanagar)
Does Technology Substitute for Nurses? Staffing Decisions in Nursing Homes
(Susan F. Lu, Huaxia Rui, Abraham Seidmann)
Stimulating Online Reviews by Combining Financial Incentives and Social Norms
(Gordon Burtch, Yili Hong, Ravi Bapna, Vladas Griskevicius)
Cost Drivers of Versioning: Pricing and Product Line Strategies for Information Goods
(Ramnath K. Chellappa, Amit Mehra)
The Spillover Effects of Health IT Investments on Regional Healthcare Costs
(Hilal Atasoy, Pei-yu Chen, Kartik Ganju)
Can We Trust Online Physician Ratings? Evidence from Cardiac Surgeons in Florida
(Susan F. Lu, Huaxia Rui)
Online Auctions and Multichannel Retailing
(Jason Kuruzovich , Hila Etzion)
Hiring Preferences in Online Labor Markets: Evidence of a Female Hiring Bias
(Jason Chan, Jing Wang )
Innovation, Openness, and Platform Control
(Geoffrey Parker, Marshall Van Alstyne)
When More Is Less: Field Evidence on Unintended Consequences of Multitasking
(Paulo B. Goes, Noyan Ilk , Mingfeng Lin, J. Leon Zhao)
Competitive Strategies for Brick-and-Mortar Stores to Counter “Showrooming”
(Amit Mehra, Subodha Kumar, Jagmohan S. Raju)
Are All Spillovers Created Equal? A Network Perspective on Information Technology Labor Movements
(Lynn Wu , Fujie Jin, Lorin M. Hitt)
To Be or Not to Be Linked: Online Social Networks and Job Search by Unemployed Workforce
(Rajiv Garg, Rahul Telang)
User-Generated Content and Competing Firms’ Product Design
(Young Kwark, Jianqing Chen, Srinivasan Raghunathan)
The Value of Multidimensional Rating Systems: Evidence from a Natural Experiment and Randomized Experiments
(Pei-Yu Chen, Yili Hong, Ying Liu)
Privacy Protection, Personalized Medicine, and Genetic Testing
(Amalia R. Miller, Catherine Tucker)
Competitive vs. Complementary Effects in Online Social Networks and News Consumption: A Natural Experiment
(Catarina Sismeiro, Ammara Mahmood)
Advertising Content and Consumer Engagement on Social Media: Evidence from Facebook
(Dokyun Lee, Kartik Hosanagar, Harikesh S. Nair)
Effects of Recommendation Neutrality and Sponsorship Disclosure on Trust vs. Distrust in Online Recommendation Agents: Moderating Role of Explanations for Organic Recommendations
(Weiquan Wang, Jingjun (David) Xu, May Wang)
The Impact of E-Visits on Visit Frequencies and Patient Health: Evidence from Primary Care
(Hessam Bavafa, Lorin M. Hitt, Christian Terwiesch)
Can You Gig It? An Empirical Examination of the Gig Economy and Entrepreneurial Activity
(Gordon Burtch, Seth Carnahan, Brad N. Greenwood)
The Effect of Subscription Video-on-Demand on Piracy: Evidence from a Household-Level Randomized Experiment
(Miguel Godinho de Matos, Pedro FerreiraMichael D. Smith)
Battle of the Channels: The Impact of Tablets on Digital Commerce
(Xu Kaiquan, Chan Jason, Ghose Anindya, Han Sang Pil)
Market Information and Bidder Heterogeneity in Secondary Market Online B2B Auctions
(Pilehvar Ali, Elmaghraby Wedad J, Gopal Anandasivam)
Utility-Based Link Recommendation for Online Social Networks
(Li Zhepeng, Fang Xiao, Bai Xue, Liu Sheng Olivia R)
Network Analysis of Search Dynamics: The Case of Stock Habitats
(Alvin Chung Man Leung, Ashish Agarwal, Prabhudev Konana, Alok Kumar)
GOTCHA! Network-Based Fraud Detection for Social Security Fraud
(Véronique Van Vlasselaer, Tina Eliassi-Rad, Leman Akoglu, Monique Snoeck, Bart Baesens)
Platform Integration and Demand Spillovers in Complementary Markets: Evidence from Facebook’s Integration of Instagram
(Zhuoxin Li, Ashish Agarwal)
Market Mechanisms in Online Peer-to-Peer Lending
(Zaiyan Wei, Mingfeng Lin)
Comment on “Strategic Information Management Under Leakage in a Supply Chain”
(Lin Tian, Baojun Jiang)
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