
ISS Bylaws

BYLAWS OF THE INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOCIETY of The Institute for Operations Research

and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)

Date: 10/14/2012



This organization shall be called the Information Systems Society of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). Herein it will be referred to as ‘The Society.”


The Society is organized and will be operated exclusively for scientific or educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. The purposes of The Society shall be:

  1. To provide a continuing, specialized focus within INFORMS on the topic of Information Systems with the aim of identifying current and potential problems and contributions to their solutions
  2. To lead in the development, dissemination and implementation of knowledge, basic and applied research, and technologies pertaining to Information Systems
  3. To support efforts to extend, unify, and integrate related branches of knowledge and practice
  4. To support the free interchange of information and encourage discussion and interaction among individuals having interest in the area of Information Systems by providing the opportunity for these individuals to meet and exchange information, ideas, experiences, and techniques
  5. To stimulate the type of cross-fertilization that can best be accomplished within the framework of a professional organization
  6. To identify, codify, synthesize, and interpret knowledge, tools, and techniques useful to Information Systems
  7. To promote high professional standards and integrity in all work done in the field
  8. To encourage the education of students and the continuing education of practitioners in this field of knowledge



  1. Any person interested in Information Systems may become a member of this Section by completing a membership application and submitting it with the proper dues.
  2. All members shall have equal rights, duties, and privileges.  Dues shall be payable in the Fall each year.
  3. Membership and participation shall be free from discrimination based on race, religion, ethnic group, national origin, handicap, gender, or sexual orientation.



All Officers of The Society must be INFORMS members in good standing. Their duties shall be the following:

  1. Chair: Shall be the chief administrative officer of The Society, and shall be responsible for the general supervision, direction, and control of the business and affairs of The Society. The Chair shall preside at meetings and represent The Society in external affairs. In addition, the Chair shall be responsible for maintaining communication with The Society’s representative on the INFORMS Board, and for participating in the Nominating Assembly for the representative to the INFORMS Board.
  2. Vice-Chair: Shall, in the absence or disability of the Chair, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the Chair, and shall perform such other duties as The Society requires. In addition, the Vice-Chair shall be responsible for recommending speakers for special meetings of The Society, and for sessions sponsored by The Society at national and international meetings and shall coordinate the completion of the arrangements for those sessions.
  3. Treasurer: The Treasurer, together with the Secretary (defined below), shall maintain contact with the INFORMS’ liaison (as designated by the INFORMS Board) and shall file an annual report describing The Society’s activities and financial state. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial matters, including all financial records and an annual financial statement to be included with the annual report. The Treasurer shall keep accounts, deposit the organization’s funds, and make expenditures in a fiscally sound matter.
  4. Secretary: The Secretary, together with the Treasurer will maintain contact with the INFORMS’ liaison, and shall take the minutes of the meetings, as well as be responsible for such matters as correspondence and notification of meetings. The secretary will also be responsible for following up with institutional and individual members regarding annual renewal of their membership.

Other Positions

  1. Newsletter Editor: The chair shall appoint a newsletter editor who will be responsible for publishing the Newsletter of The Society twice a yearly. The newsletter will be mailed to all members of The Society and an electronic version of the newsletter will also be maintained.
  2. Webmaster: The chair shall appoint a webmaster who will be responsible for maintaining the web presence of the Society.

Details of Office

  1. Terms of Office: The terms of each office shall be two years. Each officer will be elected by ballot in the Fall of each election year. The elected officer must receive a majority of the votes cast by members present. Their terms of office shall begin on the first day of November each year. Officers may be re-nominated for re-election. Officers may not hold the same office for more than two consecutive terms.
  2. Nominations: The nominating committee will be composed of the three past chairs most recently retired. The nominating committee will be chaired by the most recent outgoing chair. At the meeting prior to the election, the Nominating Committee shall nominate at least one candidate for each of the four officer positions being filled, namely, Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and. Secretary Additional nominations will be sought and added to the ballot if supported by a petition signed by at least ten members or from the floor of a regularly scheduled and announced meeting. All nominees must be members of The Society at the time of their nomination. It is desirable for the nominees also to be members of INFORMS.
  3. Voting: Elections shall be held by secret ballot at the last general meeting of the Officer’s term of office provided there is more than one candidate for a position. A majority of ballots cast by members for each office shall be necessary for election. Ties shall be resolved by means of fair random processes.
  4. Board: The Society Board will consist of the Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and the Immediate Past Chair of The Society.
  5. Vacancies: For all positions other than the Chair, the Chair will appoint a member of the College in good standing to fill the vacancy until the next election. If the chair position becomes vacant then the Vice-Chair will take over the position until the next election.


The Society will hold at least one meeting per year. The time, place, and agenda of each meeting shall be set by the Officers and announced in advance by the Secretary.


The Society and its officers, under Charter from INFORMS, are accountable to the Institute for all operations and procedures. The INFORMS Board may suspend or revoke the Charter of the Section for inappropriate operations and/or procedures. Each year, at a time specified by the Vice President for Subdivisions, The Society will submit a report to said Vice President summarizing the significant accomplishments and activities during the previous year. This report must include a careful accounting of The Society’s funds during the year.


Dues to defer annual operation expenses may be assessed on all members by the Board of The Society.


Amendments to the Bylaws may be made in any meeting following announcement in a previous meeting or by the Secretary. The Secretary, no later than seven days before the next meeting, shall submit in writing the proposed Amendment to all members of The Society and the vote will occur at the next meeting. The Amendment must be approved by two-thirds of the members present. Following approval by the Chapter, the Amendment must be sent to the INFORMS Vice President for Subdivisions who will present the Amendment to the INFORMS Board. The Amendment becomes effective when approved by the INFORMS Board.


Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern Business Meetings, in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Bylaws.