ISS Social Justice Best Paper Award

ISS Social Justice Best Paper Award

INFORMS Information Systems Society Social Justice Best Paper Award – 2024


Call for Nominations

The Information Systems Society (ISS) invites nominations for the ISS Social Justice Best Paper Award. Founded by Profs Ravi Bapna and Anindya Ghose, this best paper award’s purpose is to foster and encourage high quality IS research that makes an impact towards improving social justice outcomes. The award’s concept of social justice research is broadly scoped to include all facets of modern IS, analytics, digital platforms and AI perspectives, as well as the full palette of methodologies. It specifically aims to direct, recognize and reward IS research that helps positively move the interlocking gears of education, housing, healthcare, transportation, employment, income, gender equity and criminal justice outcomes and policies for Black/African-Americans, Latinx/Hispanic-American, Native Americans populations and other marginalized groups.


The ISS Social Justice Best Paper Award process is governed by the INFORMS Information Systems Society. In steady state, the candidate pool of papers meeting the social justice theme from manuscripts published in Management Science (MS), Information Systems Research (ISR) or MIS Quarterly (MISQ) between 2014 - 2024 (i.e., previous 10 years) will be shortlisted and considered. Papers will be nominated by the current editorial board members (SEs and AEs) of the three journals.

The committee of judges will be chosen by the ISS president in consultation with the chair of ISS' Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) committee. While there is no guarantee that a deserving paper will meet the stated objectives of the award each year, should a winner emerge, the award will be given out at the ISS award event during the annual INFORMS conference.

Selection Process

Papers will be nominated by the current editorial board members (SEs and AEs) of the three journals (MS, ISR and MISQ) to Professor Nina Huang ( and state the subject as "ISS Social Justice Best Paper Award - 2024". The deadline for submission of nominations is August 15, 2024.

The committee members are Sophia Bapna (Chair), Gordon Burtch, Nina Huang (ex-officio, VP-ISS), Likoebe Maruping, and Eric Zheng. The award selection committee will deliberate upon the pool of nominees and other deserving papers to make recommendations to the President of the Information Systems Society. Winners of the award will be notified before the CIST. To be fair to all nominees, the selection committee cannot review new information about the nominees nor will the committee revote on the nominees after the notifications have been sent to the winners and nominators. We kindly request nominators of the non-selected nominees to provide additional information about their nominees in the nomination letters the next year.

The society will announce the full list of 2024 ISS Social Justice Best Paper Award winners and present them with award plaques at the ISS Award session during the 2024 Conference on Information Systems Technology (CIST) in Seattle, WA. We invite the winners and all of our members to come celebrate the winners’ as well as our society’s achievements at the Award session. Organization details of this celebration event will be updated later. Prior to the Award session, winners may individually share the good news with their deans, department heads, nominators, mentors and mentees, but the winners and others aware of the winning results should not reveal such information via online social media.

It is a condition of the award that the ISS Social Justice Best Paper Award winner be a member of the Information Systems Society, and, except for unusual circumstances approved by the President of ISS, remain a member of the Society until they retire from full-time work.

About the Informs Information Systems Society (ISS)

The Information Systems Society (ISS) supports the intellectual interests of information systems scholars who are members of INFORMS.  It provides support for academic forums such as the annual Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), the spring Theory in Economics of IS (TEIS) workshop, the summer Statistical Challenges in E-Commerce Research (SCECR) conference, and the annual IT Teaching workshop.  The society also provides support for editorial activities and publication of Information Systems Research. In addition, the society sponsors or supports several awards each year including the ISS Distinguished Fellow Award, the Sandy Slaughter Early Career Award, the Gordon Davis Young Scholar Award, the ISS Nunamaker-Chen Dissertation Award, the ISS Practical Impacts Award, the ISS Haim Mendelson Teaching Innovation Award, the ISS Social Justice Best Paper Award, the ISS President's Service Award, the ISS Best Paper in Management Science Award, the ISS Cluster Best Paper Award, and the ISS Cluster Best Session Chair Award to recognize the deserving efforts of our community.