Best IS Paper in Management Science - 2024
Call for Nominations
The Information Systems Society (ISS) of INFORMS is pleased to continue the Management Science Best Paper Award in Information Systems. The award is given to the paper published in Management Science in the previous three years (2021-2023) that is deemed most deserving for its contribution to the theory and practice of information systems (IS).
All papers published by the Information Systems Department are automatically nominated for this award (except winner papers of 2022 and 2023). In addition, any paper published in Management Science from 2021-2023 can be nominated for consideration. Self-nominations are accepted and encouraged. To nominate a paper, please send an email to Professor D.J. Wu ( with the paper's citation (authors, title, year, etc.) by August 15, 2024. Please state the subject as "Nomination for Best IS Paper in Management Science Award - 2024". No additional supporting information is needed or expected.
Selection Process
Three finalists (or more in the case of a tie) will be selected by the Associate Editors/Department Editors of the IS Department through an approval voting process. Finalists are then announced to the IS Society members and the winner will be selected from among the finalists by a vote of the IS Society members. The winning paper will be announced at the ISS business meeting this Fall and receive a plaque.
It is a condition of the award that the authors of the winner paper be members of the Information Systems Society, and, except for unusual circumstances approved by the President of ISS, remain members of the Society until they retire from full-time work.