INFORMS Society on Data Mining Prize

2023 INFORMS Data Mining Prize Winner: Dr. Victoria Chen

2022 INFORMS Data Mining Prize Winner: Dr. Nick Street

2021 INFORMS Data Mining Prize Winner: Dr. Kwok-Leung Tsui
2021 dms prize

About the Award:

This award recognizes a senior researcher for outstanding contributions to the field of data mining over the course of their career. Such contributions could include papers (published or submitted and accepted), books, monographs, and software that have pushed the field forward. This award is the highest accomplishment the section can bestow upon a member.

Submission and Eligibility Requirements:

  • A nominee must have been a member in INFORMS and the INFORMS Data Mining Section for at least 5 years.
  • A nominee must have outstanding contributions to the field of data mining over the course of their career. Such contributions could include papers (published or submitted and accepted), books, monographs, and software that have pushed the field forward.
  • Nominators must have been a member of the INFORMS Data Mining Section for at least 3 years and submit their nomination to the provided Qualtrics link which asks for:
    • Nominator’s First and Last Name
    • Nominator’s Contact Info: Email or Phone Number
    • Nominee’s First and Last Name
    • Nominee’s Contact Info: Email or Phone Number
    • A concise summary of what the nominee has accomplished to qualify for this prize (e.g., key published articles, other recognitions, etc.) to help the selection committee evaluate the candidate among others.

Judging Criteria:

  •  A call for nominations will be posted to all Data Mining section community members via INFORMS Connect site and our email distribution list via a Qualtrics link.
  • There will be one recipient per nomination cycle (which is once per year).
  • A person can be nominated multiple times, but only win once.
  • The honoree will be formally recognized for the award annually at the business meeting of INFORMS Annual Meeting.


  • One per year at the business meeting of Annual Meeting
  • Nominations will begin being accepted at least 6 weeks prior to the annual meeting.
  • Voting will take place at least two weeks prior to the annual meeting to ensure enough time is provided to identify prize winner and order award.

Financial Implications: 

  • This award will not currently be financially funded, but that can be modified in the future as our section continues to grow. A trophy will be given to the recipient.


  • The selection committee will be formed by the current three officers (Chair, Chair Elect, and Secretary/Treasurer), six elected council members, and previous community chairs able to cast a vote (currently 15). This group will have the necessary skill sets to evaluate the submissions and ensure a more diverse review. It will also evolve over time as new officers and council members change every year or two. Members of the selection committee must be currently active members of INFORMS and the INFORMS Data Mining section to cast their vote. The Chair of the committee will be the current Chair of the section.