2019 Awards
INFORMS 2019 Data Mining and Decision Analytics Workshop Best Paper Competition Awards
Best Applied Paper Finalists
- Amin Hosseininasab, Willem-Jan van Hoeve, Andre A. Cire
Explaining User Skips in Music Streaming Platforms using Interpretable Machine Learning
Calibrating Multivariate Lévy Processes with Neural Networks
- Amirmahdi Tafreshian, Neda Masoud
A Balanced Trip-based Graph Partitioning for Dynamic Ridesharing
- Nathan Gaw, Hyunsoo Yoon, Jing Li
Simultaneous Feature and Instance Selection in Semi-supervised Regression for Telemonitoring of Parkinson’s Disease
The Best Applied Paper Award Winner:
- Nathan Gaw, Hyunsoo Yoon, Jing Li
Simultaneous Feature and Instance Selection in Semi-supervised Regression for Telemonitoring of Parkinson’s Disease
Best Theoretical Paper Finalists
- Saeed Ghadimi, Andrzej Ruszczynski, Mengdi Wang
A Single Time-scale Stochastic Approximation Method for Nested Stochastic Optimization
Missing Not at Random in Matrix Completion: Debiasing Guarantees from Estimating Missingness Probabilities under Low Nuclear Norm Structure
- Wenda Zhou, Shuaiwen Wang, Peng Xu, Haiho Lu, Arian Maleki, Vahab Mirrokni
Approximate Leave-One-Out for Fast Parameter Tuning in High Dimensions
- Chaosheng Dong, Yiran Chen, Bo Zeng
Generalized Inverse Optimization through Online Learning
The Best Theoretical Paper Award Winner:
Missing Not at Random in Matrix Completion: Debiasing Guarantees from Estimating Missingness Probabilities under Low Nuclear Norm Structure
Data Mining Best Paper Awards: Student / General Tracks
Best Student Paper Finalists
- Dimitris Bertsimas, Arthur Delarue, Patrick Jaillet, Sebastien Martin
The Price of Interpretability: Optimal Explanations of Linear Models
- Zhehui Chen, Simon Mak, C. F. Jeff Wu
A hierarchical expected improvement method for effective Bayesian optimization
- Gökçe Kahvecioğlu, David Morton
Optimal Hierarchical Clustering on a Graph
- Di Wang, Xi Zhang, Kaibo Liu
A Spatiotemporal Prediction Approach for A 3D Thermal Field from Sensor Networks
The Winner
Di Wang, Xi Zhang, Kaibo Liu
A Spatiotemporal Prediction Approach for A 3D Thermal Field from Sensor Networks
Best Paper Finalists
Gah-Yi Ban, N. Bora Keskin
Personalized Dynamic Pricing with Machine Learning: High Dimensional Features and Heterogeneous Elasticity
Renyu Zhang, Maxime C. Cohen, Kevin Jiao
Data Aggregation and Demand Prediction
Feng Liu, Li Wang, Yifei Lou, Ren-Cang Li, Patrick L. Purdon
Probabilistic Structure Learning for EEG/MEG Source Imaging with Hierarchical Graph Prior
Andi Wang, Juan Du, Xi Zhang, Jianjun Shi
Ranking Features to Promote Diversity: An Approach Based on Sparse Distance Correlation
The Winner
Feng Liu, Li Wang, Yifei Lou, Ren-Cang Li, Patrick L. Purdon
Probabilistic Structure Learning for EEG/MEG Source Imaging with Hierarchical Graph Prior