INFORMS 2015 Data Mining Best Student Paper Finalists: The information on the four finalists and their papers (presenting student's name is highlighted in bold) are as follows:
- "Sparse Precision Matrix Selection for Fitting Gaussian Random Field Models to Large Data Sets" by Sam Davanloo Tajbakhsh, Enrique Del Castillo and Necdet Serhat Aybat from Penn State University.
- "Falling Rule Lists" by Fulton Wang and Cynthia Rudin from MIT.
- "Sensor-Driven Condition-Based Generation Maintenance and Operations Scheduling" by Murat Yildirim and Nagi Gebraeel from Georgia Tech.
- Winner: "When Wind Meets Turbines: A New Statistical Approach for Characterizing the Heterogeneous Wake Effects in Multi-turbine Wind Farms" by Mingdi You and Eunshin Byon from University of Michigan.
Here are photos of the finalists: