Decision Making for Emerging Risks (June 2021)

Decision Making for Emerging Risks, June 22-23, 2021

DAS logoSRA LogoDecision Making for Emerging Risks

A virtual mini-conference
Held June 22-23, 2021

The Decision Analysis Society and the Decision Analysis and Risk Specialty Group in the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) were pleased to host a virtual mini-conference in the summer of 2021.  We joined forces to organize two days of sessions on Decision Making for Emerging Risks, bringing together the diverse expertise and experience from both of our organizations.

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need for tools and methods for new and not-yet-understood risks for which decisions need to be made under uncertainty and considering tradeoffs. In the light of emerging risks with less than complete data, how can decision makers still follow good decision practices and be able to incorporate new information on the risks as seemingly everything keeps changing?

Experts across many fields, including cybersecurity, infrastructure, food security and safety, public health, and others from academia, government, and industry, gathered to talk about their experiences developing novel models and approaches to support decision making on emerging risks.

Speakers and the agenda are available here.

A virtual poster session for students was included, and short videos for those posters are available here.

Big thanks to the conference organizers!