Call for Nominations: MSOM Young Scholar Prize
Nomination Deadline: March 29, 2024
The MSOM Society of INFORMS is now soliciting nominations for the 2024 MSOM Young Scholar Prize. This prize is intended to recognize exceptional young researchers who have made outstanding contributions to scholarship in operations management.
Nominations are to be submitted electronically to Nicholas Petruzzi ( by March 29, 2024.
To be eligible for the 2024 prize, a nominee must be an MSOM Society member and have been 40 years old or younger on January 31, 2024.
Nominations may be made by any MSOM Society member, including the nominee. Nominations must consist of the following:
The nominee's curriculum vitae;
A statement of major contributions of no more than three pages (may be prepared by the nominee) that includes evidence of scholarly and practical impact, e.g., citation count, impact factors, demonstration of impact on other fields or practice; and
Three letters of recommendation.
An MSOM Young Scholar Prize Committee will select the recipient(s) of the prize. The committee will use the following criteria:
The extent to which the contributions of the nominee advance the body of scholarly knowledge in operations management.
The originality of the questions, concepts, ideas or methods developed and/or the degree to which existing theory and knowledge are unified or simplified.
The impact of the contributions within the operations management research community.
The impact, or potential impact, of the contributions more broadly on other fields and on students and practitioners of operations management.
Recipient(s) of the prize will be announced at or before the next MSOM Business Meeting and will receive a $1,000 honorarium (to be shared among multiple winners).