Spring 2024

In This Issue:

Message from the Section Chair

Dear member: 

I hope this message finds you well. This newsletter provides some updates from the Section.

Our section conference is scheduled for July 15-16, 2024 at UCLA, with an exciting program of talks. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the organizing committee Francisco Castro and Velibor Misic for all their hard work. I also would like to encourage everyone in our community to register and attend the conference. Please go to the conference website (here) for details.

Every year, we celebrate many of the important advances made in the community. I am pleased to report that we have three fantastic committees for our Section Award, Jeff McGill Student Paper Award, and Practice Award. The final competitions for both the Section and Jeff McGill Student Paper Awards will take place at the INFORMS Annual Meeting in October 2024, whereas the final competition for the Practice Award will take place at the INFORMS Revenue Management Conference in July 2024.

  • Section Award: The committee is being chaired by Daniela Saban (Stanford), and includes Rob Bray (Northwestern), Ozan Candogan (Chicago), Vishal Gupta (USC), Ozge Sahin (Johns Hopkins). The submission deadline is July 14, 2024.
  • Jeff McGill Student Paper Award: The committee is being chaired by Santiago Balseiro (Columbia), and includes Andres Cristi (EPFL), Antoine Désir (INSEAD), Can Küçükgül (Rutgers), Chamsi Hssaine (USC), Daniel Freund (MIT), Divya Singhvi (NYU), Francisco Castro (UCLA), Hannah Li (Columbia), Jackie Baek (NYU), Jiashuo Jiang (HKUST), Jinglong Zhao (Boston University), Lennart Baardman (Michigan), Mika Sumida (USC), Murray Lei (Queen's University), Pengyu Qian (Purdue), Raghav Singal (Dartmouth), Somya Singhvi (USC), Tianyi Peng (Columbia), Wang Chi Cheung (NUS), Zhe Liu (Imperial College London). The submission deadline is July 10, 2024.
  • Practice Award: The committee is being chaired by Srikanth Jagabathula (NYU), and includes Setareh Borjian Boroujeni (Oracle), Kris Ferreira (Harvard), and Gustavo Vulcano (Torcuato Di Tella University).

I want to thank all committee members for supporting these important awards.

If you have any suggestions or questions, please feel free to reach out to me. Also, don’t forget to invite your colleagues and students to join our RMP Section (details on how to join at the end).

Best wishes.

Vivek Farias

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Upcoming Conferences

  • 2024 INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Section Conference
    • July 15-16, 2024
    • UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
    • The 2024 Annual INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing (RMP) Section Conference will be hosted by UCLA Anderson School of Management, on July 15-16, 2024. The conference organizing committee members are Francisco Castro and Velibor Misic. This event is the premier forum for both academics and practitioners who are active in research and application in the fields of pricing analytics and revenue management. More information can be found at the conference website (here).

Upcoming INFORMS RMP Conferences 

  • 2025 INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Conference
    • Columbia Graduate School of Business, New York, USA
    • Dates TBA

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Other Related Conferences

    •  2024 MSOM Conference & SIG Meeting

    • 25th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC’24)

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    Practice Webinar Series

    We launched the RMP practice webinar series in 2020 to better facilitate dialogues between academics and practitioners. We plan to run the webinar series as a regular event. So far, we have successfully hosted four webinars: 

    • The first webinar took place on October 7, 2020. Robert Phillips (Amazon) talked about “Pricing and Analytics - Challenges and Research Opportunities”. 
    •       The second webinar took place on February 10, 2021. Vahab Mirrokni (Google) talked about “Recent Trends in Online Ad Markets: Robustness, Learning, and Automation”.
    •       The third webinar took place on May 12, 2021. Nicolas Stier-Moses (Facebook) talked about “Operations Management Research at Facebook”.
    •       The fourth webinar took place on April 7, 2022. Tara Mardan (Amazon) and Joe Cooprider (Amazon) talked about “Science of Pricing Experimentation at Amazon”.

    The video recordings are available on INFORMS site (https://connect.informs.org/rmp/rmpresources/webinar).

    Please stay tuned for the upcoming seminars.

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    Student Live Paper Series and Spotlight Paper Presentations

    We launched the RMP student live paper series on YouTube to promote works by RMP Section’s student members. This RMP student live paper series is an ongoing effort, and we will keep adding new presentations to the list. We also showcase recordings of RMP Section Conference Spotlight Paper Presentations in section’s Youtube channel. You can access the recordings through our youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVF0N1jTIgHOiepvKgrXAnw/videos. If you are interested contributing to the live student paper series, please send an email to the section chair.

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    RMP Section – How to Join

    To become a member of the Revenue Management and Pricing Section, it is the easiest (but not necessary) just to add it to the regular INFORMS membership. Those who’d rather focus exclusively on the Section’s activities can become members only of the Section by calling 1-800-446-3676. More information can be found at: http://connect.informs.org/rmp/membership/how-to-join

    Benefits of Membership

    As a member of the Section, you will receive benefits such as our newsletter, registration fee discount to annual section conference, 50% off the subscription rate to the Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, and listserver announcements. More information can be found at: http://connect.informs.org/rmp/membership/benefits