ICS Student Paper Award

INFORMS Computing Society (ICS) Student Paper Award

ICS Student Paper Award: Nominations due July 1, 2024

The INFORMS Computing Society (ICS) invites nominations for its 2024 Student Paper Award. The ICS Student Paper Award is given annually to the best paper at the interface of computing and operations research by a student author, as judged by the award selection committee. The award is accompanied by a plaque and a $500 honorarium. The award will be presented at the ICS Business Meeting that will take place during the INFORMS Annual Meeting in Seattle, October 20-23, 2024. The winner is expected to make their own travel arrangements to the INFORMS meeting. The winner will also receive free registration to the next ICS Conference. The ICS Student Paper Award is sponsored by the Mica Fonden.

The deadline for nominations for the 2024 ICS Student Paper Award is 11:59 pm EDT, July 1, 2024. 

 Each nominated paper should satisfy the following seven eligibility criteria:

  • the entrant must have been a student on or after January 1, 2024;

  • the paper must present original research;

  • the research must have been conducted while the entrant was a student;

  • the paper must be written by the entrant with only minor outside editorial assistance (e.g., one or more advisors may appear as co-authors of a paper, but the student must be the "first" or primary author);

  • the entrant can be a (co-)author in at most one paper submitted to the competition;

  • the paper must not have won a previous ICS Student Paper Award;

  • the entrant must be an ICS member by the nomination deadline (July 1, 2024).  If the entrant is not an ICS member by this deadline, then his/her nomination will be discarded.

Application Process: 

Nominations and inquiries should be sent electronically to ics.student.prize@gmail.com no later than 11:59 pm EDT, July 1st, 2024. The nomination packet should include the following:

  • the nominated paper (total of 30 pages or less in the standard format of INFORMS Journal on Computing) in pdf;

  • an email address and phone number where the entrant can be contacted in the event they are selected as a finalist;

  • letter(s) (in pdf format) signed by all co-authors of the paper and the entrant attesting that the seven eligibility conditions are met.

The 2024 ICS Student Paper Award Committee members:

Beste Basciftci (University of Iowa)

Austin Buchanan (Oklahoma State University)

Leonardo Lozano, Chair (University of Cincinnati)

Hamed Rahimian (Clemson University)

Previous winners are 

Click here for citations and committees: 2021-, 2016-2020, 2011-2015, 2006-2010

2024 Shuvomoy Das Gupta (winner), Jie Wang and Jiachang Liu (runners-up)

2023 Shiyi Jiang (winner), Mohammadhossein Mohammadisiahroudi (runner-up)

2022 Irina Wang (winner), Peijing Liu (runner-up)

2021 Aras Selvi (winner), Yongchun Li (runner-up)

2020 Tyler Perini (winner), Margarita Paz Castro (runner-up), Hussein Hazimeh and Prateek Srivastava (honorable mentions)

2019 Ryan Cory-Wright and Jean Pauphilet (winners), Sebastián Pérez-Salazar and Liyan Xie (honorable mentions)

2018 Aleksandr M. Kazachkov(winner), Colin P. Gillen and Chris Lourenco (runners-up)

2017 Berk Ustun (winner), Rui Gao, Christian Kroer, and Hamed Rahimian (runners-up)

2016 Georgina Hall (winner), Hadi Charkhgard and Terrence Mak (runners-up)

2015 Young Woong Park (winner), Xiao Liu, Leonardo Lozano, and Jorge A. Sefair (runners-up)

2014 Andre A. Cire (winner), Kalyani Nagaraj (runner-up)

2013 Jing Xie (winner), Rodrigo Carrasco (runner-up)

2012 Huashuai Qu (winner), Martin Takáč (runner-up)

2011 Susan Hunter (winner)

2010 Yongqiang Wang (winner), Siqian Shen and Necdet Aybat (runners-up)

2009 Zaiwen Wen (winner), Mehmet Begen and Peter Frazier (runners-up)

2008 Guanghui Lan (Winner)

2007 Amit Partani (winner), Andrea Bettinelli and Richa Agarwal (runners-up)

2006 Geng Deng (Winner), Jiaqiao Hu and Laura A. McLay (runners-up)