
date approved: Jan 5, 2005

Article I - Name

The name of this organization is the INFORMS Computing Society of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). Herein it will be referred to as "ICS."

Article II - Purpose

Operations research and the management sciences (OR/MS) have always stood in close relation to computer science and artificial intelligence (CS/AI). Not only are the ideas and techniques of one highly relevant to the other, but their cross-fertilization has spawned creative research. However, because OR/MS and CS/AI have developed different and largely separate professional cultures, interaction does not always happen naturally and requires encouragement.

The purpose of ICS is : a) to help keep INFORMS members abreast of useful developments in CS/AI, and b) to contribute to the vigor of research and practice in the INFORMS community by encouraging activity on the interface of OR/MS and CS/AI.

ICS intends to achieve its goals by:

  • Sponsoring sessions at INFORMS national meetings;
  • Organizing additional professional meetings and publishing proceedings that focus on the interface;
  • Sponsoring the Journal on Computing and other publications as the need may arise;
  • Maintaining a newsletter and electronic forum that communicate recent developments and promote contacts among researchers and practitioners with common interests;
  • Awarding prizes that recognize high-quality work in the interface.

Article III - Membership

  1. Any person may become a member of ICS by submitting a membership application with the proper dues.
  2. Dues will be set by majority vote at the Business Meeting (c.f. Article V) and will cover the following calendar year. If no action is taken at the Business Meeting, dues will remain the same from year to year.
  3. Student and/or retired members may be assessed lower dues than regular members, or no dues, if approved by majority vote at the Business Meeting.
  4. Affiliate members may be distinguished as those who are not INFORMS members and assessed higher dues than regular members, if approved by majority vote at the Business Meeting.
  5. In all respects other than those specified above, all members have equal rights, duties and privileges.

Article IV - Officers

  1. Officers of ICS and their duties are as follows.

    The chair is the chief administrative officer of ICS and is responsible for the general supervision, direction and control of ICS business affairs. The Chair a) calls, organizes and presides at ICS Business Meetings; b) appoints committees as required, including prize committees; c) appoints the newsletter editor and chairs of ICS professional meetings; d) represents ICS in external affairs; e) submits an annual budget request to the INFORMS Committee on Subdivisions; f) maintains communication with the person representing ICS on the INFORMS Board; and g) participates in the Nominating Assembly for representatives to the INFORMS Board. The Chair must have been the previous Vice Chair and assumes office upon the completion of the previous Chair's term.

    The Vice Chair is responsible for organizing ICS-sponsored sessions at two consecutive national INFORMS meetings, beginning with the second meeting that occurs during his/her term. The Vice Chair may delegate part of this responsibility to ICS Board members as desired. In the absence or disability of the Chair, the Vice Chair performs the duties and exercises the powers of the Chair. The Vice Chair becomes Chair upon completion of the term of office.

    The Secretary/Treasurer a) takes minutes at ICS Business Meetings; b) notifies members of meetings; c) maintains an electronic forum or other regular contact with members; d) coordinates the election of officers; e) takes responsibility for other matters of correspondence; f) keeps financial records; g) files an annual report describing ICS's activities and financial state with the INFORMS Vice President for Subdivisions at a time designated by the latter (normally after the close of the calendar year).

    In additional to the ICS Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary/Treasurer as ex-officio members, the ICS Board shall consist of six persons. The Board serves as a general policy-making body. Board members may also assist the Vice Chair and other program chairs in organizing sessions at INFORMS and other ICS professional meetings. The Board approves by consensus the annual report and the annual budget request submitted to the INFORMS Subdivisions Committee. The Board must approve by majority vote all dues assessed on ICS members.

  2. Terms of Office. All terms begin at the start of the calendar year following the election. a) The terms of the Chair and Vice Chair are two years, and no person may serve as Vice Chair immediately after having served a full term as Chair. b) The term of the Secretary/Treasurer is two years, and no person may serve more than two consecutive terms. c) The term for ICS Board members other than the Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary/Treasurer is three years, and two of these members are elected each year. All offices and Board seats must be occupied by distinct persons, except that a Board member who is elected Vice Chair or Secretary/Treasurer may retain his/her seat on the Board. See also Note 1 below.
  3. Nominations. The Chair shall appoint a Nominating Committee for the offices of Vice Chair, Secretary/Treasurer and for two positions on the ICS Board, and the Committee shall submit nominations to the current Secretary/Treasurer. The Chair shall also take nominations from the floor during the ICS fall Business Meeting. The Secretary/Treasurer shall invite further nominations in writing and/or electronic form from ICS members during a subsequent period he/she designates. All nominees must be members of ICS at the time of nomination. The nominees for Chair and Vice Chair must be INFORMS members at the time of nomination.
  4. Voting. The Secretary/Treasurer shall collect biographies and position statements of all nominees for inclusion on the ballot, which should also provide an opportunity for write-in votes. Each ICS member may vote for at most one candidate for Vice Chair and at most one for Secretary/Treasurer. The candidate with the most votes in each race assumes office. In addition, each ICS member may vote for any number of candidates for the two open Board positions (approval voting). The two candidates receiving the most votes become Board members. The election process process must be completed within 6 weeks following the Fall Business Meeting. Ties in any of these elections are broken by a run-off vote to be completed within 6 weeks of these elections.
  5. Election Process. The Secretary/Treasurer shall forward official ballots to ICS members. Ballots shall be issued by one of the following media: a) letter mail ballot; b) electronic mail; c) a combination of letter mail and electronic mail ballots. Mechanisms for voting by either written or electronic media are to be adopted at the discretion of the Board, but must meet the following criteria to be valid: i) anonymity of the marking of ballots must be maintained; ii) procedures to validate the authenticity and uniqueness of the ballots must be provided; and iii) means to vote must be extended to all ICS members. For example, if electronic mail ballots are used, then those members with no electronic mail access must be accommodated.

Article V - Business Meetings

ICS shall hold a Business Meeting during each regularly scheduled national INFORMS meeting. The quorum for action at a Business Meeting shall be 5% of the membership or 15 persons, whichever is smaller.

Article VI - Responsibilities to INFORMS

ICS and its officers, under charter from INFORMS, are accountable to INFORMS for all operations and procedures. The INFORMS Board may suspend or revoke the ICS charter for inappropriate actions and/or procedures. ICS will submit an annual report to the Vice President for Subdivisions, at a time designated by the latter, summarizing the significant accomplishments and activities during the previous year. This report must include a careful accounting of ICS funds during the year.

Article VII - Dues

Dues to defer annual operational expenses may be assessed on all members by the Board of ICS.

Article VII - Amendments

Amendments to these bylaws may be adopted by two-thirds vote in an ICS Business Meeting, provided that the proposed amendment is distributed to all ICS members at least seven days prior to the meeting. The amendment shall then be submitted to the INFORMS Vice President for Subdivisions and becomes effective on approval by the INFORMS Board.

Article VIII - Rules of Order

Robert's Rules of Order shall govern ICS Business Meetings except in those cases where they are inconsistent with these Bylaws.

Article IX - Transition

These Bylaws shall take affect when a) approved by two-thirds vote at an ICS Business Meeting, and b) approved by the INFORMS Board.

Last updated January 5, 2005