The INFORMS Computing Society (ICS) addresses the interface of OR and computing. Since their earliest days, OR and computing have been tightly linked. The practice of OR depends heavily on the availability of software and systems capable of solving industrial-scale problems: computing is the heart of OR in application.
ICS is INFORMS' leading edge for computation and technology. Major ICS interests are algorithms and software for modeling, optimization, and simulation.
ICS is also interested in the leading edge of computing and how it affects OR (e.g. XML modeling standards, OR services offered over the web, open source software, constraint programming, massively parallel computing, high performance computing).
The INFORMS Computing Society has a long and interesting history. It was founded through the efforts of people who believed strongly that there are challenging problems and interesting opportunities at the interface between computing and operations research. How right they were! The purpose of this archive is to collect important documents related to the history of our society so we can not only trace where we came from, but also get a sense of our trajectory into the future.
The ICS Prize is an annual award for best English-language paper on the interface of OR and computing. The ICS Student Paper Award is given annually to the best paper on computing and operations research by a student author. The Harvey J. Greenberg Award for Service is awarded biannually.
INFORMS Journal on Computing. High-quality research related to algorithms and computation for OR.
ICS sponsors sessions at INFORMS annual meetings and, in alternate years, sponsors a specialized conference on the interface of computing and OR/MS.
The ICS Newsletter is published twice a year. Features survey articles, meeting information, people news, upcoming events, and an e-mail directory.
ICS maintains a message board on INFORMS Connect. Please visit us there for all the latest posts and news!