Harvey J. Greenberg Research Award

Harvey J Greenberg Research Award Announcement: Nominations due July 1, 2024

The Harvey J Greenberg Research Award is a recently established annual award that honors research excellence in the field of computation and operations research applications, especially those in emerging application fields. Honored research would focus on contributions that exhibit the promise of making a significant impact in the scope of OR/MS/Analytics practice.  

The award is accompanied by a certificate and a $1,000 honorarium.  

The award will be presented at the ICS Business Meeting that will take place during the 2024 INFORMS Annual Meeting in Seattle, October 20-23, 2024. For more details on this award and its generous sponsors, check out its website 

Conditions for eligibility: 
At least one author on a submitted paper must be an INFORMS member. Individuals who won the ICS Prize within two years of the submission date, or who are chosen to win the ICS Prize in the current award year, are ineligible for the award. 

Nomination process: 
A submission for this award consists of (1) a single research paper and (2) a summary statement prepared for the award committee. The paper must have been accepted for publication at the time of submission in a refereed journal, book, or conference proceeding. If published, the paper must have appeared in the literature in the year of the award or in the two calendar years preceding the award year. The summary statement must be a brief (no more than 200 words) statement summarizing the innovation and impact of the submitted paper. 

All nominations should be submitted electronically to ics.greenberg.award@gmail.com by 11:59 pm EDT, July 1, 2024. All submissions will be acknowledged. 

The 2024 Harvey J Greenberg Research Award Committee: 

Esra Buyuktahtakin Toy, Chair (Virginia Tech)
Jeff Linderoth (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
Zeyu Liu (West Virginia University)
Hamidreza Validi (Texas Tech University)
Willem-Jan van Hoeve (Carnegie Mellon University)

Previous winners are

Click here for citations and committees: 2020-2024

2024 Winners: Selvaprabu Nadarajah (University of Illinois Chicago) and Andre Cire (University of Toronto);

Honorable mention: Pierre Bonami (Gurobi Optimization), Andrea Lodi (Cornell Tech and Technion), and Giulia Zarpellon (University of Toronto

2023 Winners: Wei Zhang (Tsinghua), Alexandre Jacquillat (MIT), Kai Wang (Tsinghua), Shuaian Wang (Hong Kong Polytechnic); Runner-up: Li Chen (NUS), Long He (George Washington), Yangfang (Helen) Zhou (Singapore Management)

2022 Winners: Zeyu Liu and Anahita Khojandi and Xueping Li and Akram Mohammed and Robert L Davis (Tennessee), and Rishikesan Kamaleswaran (Emory); Honorable Mention: Eyyüb Y. Kıbıs ̧  ̇I. Esra Büyüktahtakın, Robert G. Haight, Najmaddin Akhundov, Kathleen Knight,  and Charles E. Flower

2021 Winners: Hamidreza Validi, Austin Buchanan, and Eugene Lykhovyd

2020 Winners: Danial Davarnia and Willem-Jan van Hoeve




Supported by: 

Drs. William and Carol Pierskalla Endowment

Georgia Tech
University of Pittsburgh
University of Southern California
University of Wisconsin Madison
Virginia Tech
University of Colorado Denver
University of Washington
Allen and Leanne Holder 
Ellie, Chari, and Ari Greenberg