

Sanjay Jain Receives the 2023 Distinguished Service Award
Sanjay Jain (Left) and Christos Alexopoulos (right)

During the 2023 Winter Simulation Conference in San Antonio, TX, Professor Sanjay Jain of The George Washington University was honored with the 2023 INFORMS Simulation Society Distinguished Service Award. This award recognizes individuals who have provided long-standing, sustained, and exceptional service to the simulation community. Sanjay has attended WSC since 1989 and has held various leadership roles including Track Program committee member in 2014–2017, 2021, and 2022; Track (Co-)coordinator in 2002–2007, 2013, 2017, and 2023; Coordinator of various mini-tracks; Proceedings Editor in 2010 and 2011 (lead); Business Chair in 2024; and Program Chair in 2018. The latter conference required a higher time commitment than usual being located outside the U.S.A. (Gothenburg, Sweden) for only the second time. Sanjay has also served the simulation community in various editorial roles including Associate Editorship for the International Journal of Simulation and Process Modeling (IJSPM) (2004–2014) and Guest editorship for the special issue “Supply Chain Modeling and Simulation” of IJSPM. In conclusion, during 30+ years of work in and with industry and government, Sanjay has consistently promoted the use of simulation, and has been a fierce proponent of simulation education at institutions of higher learning.


Loo Hay Lee Receives the 2022 Distinguished Service Award

Loo Hay Lee

The 2022 Distinguished Service Award Committee (Christos Alexopoulos, Theresa Roeder, Susan Sanchez) is happy to present the 2022 award to Loo Hay Lee, Professor in the Department of Industrial Systems Engineering & Management at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Loo Hay Lee is truly deserving of the I-SIM Distinguished Service Award. Loo Hay’s level of service was outstanding (actually, way, way beyond the call of duty) — for NUS and for many international professional organizations. He devoted himself to almost anything related to simulation. Sadly, Loo Hay passed away on March 17, 2022.

Loo Hay's service to WSC has been truly exceptional. To quote from the nomination letter, “Loo Hay was certainly one of the “go to” guys at the annual WSC — we could always count on him to be a track coordinator, session organizer, referee, or anything that was needed to make the conference successful. In particular, he was a Track Coordinator in 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2019, and 2020; Publicity Chair in 2011 and 2013; and, of course, Program Chair in 2022. In fact, Loo Hay almost single-handedly brought the WSC to Singapore — the first time that WSC visited Asia… We will finally add that Loo Hay was a super guy — boundlessly enthusiastic, incredibly friendly, amazingly helpful to others, and just a fantastic person to be around.”


Theresa Roeder Receives the 2021 Distinguished Service Award


Theresa Roeder
The 2021 Distinguished Service Award Committee (Susan Sanchez, Michael Fu, Christos Alexopoulos) is happy to present the 2021 award to Susan Sanchez, Professor in the Lam Family College of Business, San Francisco State University. Theresa Roeder is truly deserving of the I-SIM Distinguished Service Award. In her nearly two decades of exemplary service, she has always taken on activities that are meaningful and she never backs away from jobs that require a lot of effort. As Program Chair in 2020, Theresa did a fantastic job of making the conference a huge success as it shifted to be a virtual conference. Some special aspects of Theresa’s service are her dedication and hard work, as evidenced by the outstanding job she has done in all her service roles; her commitment to educating people; and her interests in broadening the simulation community through diversity efforts. The following are a few selected highlights: 

  • Service roles in I-Sim continuously since 2004:
    • Committee on Underrepresented Minorities & Women
    • Secretary
    • Newsletter Editor
    • I-SIM representative to the INFORMS Subdivision Council
  • WSC leadership roles since 2005:
    • WSC Ph.D. Colloquium & Poster Session
    • Lead Proceedings Co-editor
    • WSC ‘20 Program Chair
  • Long-time service to INFORMS and the external community


Christos Alexopoulos Receives the 2020 Distinguished Service Award


Christos Alexopoulos
The 2020 Distinguished Service Award Committee (Michael Fu, John Fowler, Susan Sanchez) is happy to present the 2020 award to Christos Alexopoulos, Professor in the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISyE), Georgia Institute of Technology, for three decades of outstanding service to I-Sim, the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), and the broader simulation community.  The award was announced on December 14, 2020, during the opening session of WSC 2020, with more details about his service contributions provided at the I-Sim business meeting. Throughout his entire career, beginning from when he received his Ph.D. in 1988 from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, under George Fishman, upon which he immediately joined the Georgia Tech ISyE faculty, Christos has served the national and international simulation community along multiple dimensions with great distinction. His most significant service contributions have been to the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) and in numerous editorial roles, of which the following are a few selected highlights:

  • WSC Board of Directors 2008-2016 (chair 2012);
  • WSC Foundation trustee since 2016;
  • WSC proceedings coeditor (1995), associate program chair (2006), track coordinator (several times);
  • participated in every WSC since 1988 (in some service role);
  • cluster chair for “Simulation Models and Applications,” 1995 INFORMS National Meeting;
  • IIE/IISE Transactions Simulation Department Editor 2004-2008 (AE 1993-2003);
  • ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) Area Editor or Associate Editor since 2009;
  • Networks Associate Editor since 2001;
  • editor of IEEE Transactions on Reliability special issue on “Recent Advances in Simulation Methodology for Highly Reliable Systems”;
  • co-editor of Advancing the Frontiers of Simulation: A Festschrift in Honor of George Samuel Fishman, Springer-Verlag (2009)

In particular, Christos' service to WSC has been truly exceptional. To quote from the nomination letter, "Christos’s record of continuous service to the WSC Board and the WSC Foundation in positions of great responsibility for over 13 years is a striking example of high-impact service to the international simulation community that has been sustained over a remarkably long period of time... In all aspects of service to his profession - especially in his service to the Winter Simulation Conference and to the field of simulation - Christos Alexopoulos has set an exceptional standard for innovation and excellence." Christos also received the 2020 James R. Wilson Board of Directors Award in recognition of this sustained service to the WSC Board.


Susan Sanchez Receives the 2019 Distinguished Service Award


Susan Sanchez and John Fowler

Susan is eminently qualified for the I-SIM Distinguished Service Award, having provided over a quarter of a century of exceptional and sustained service to the simulation community. She has served in a variety of significant roles to warrant such a distinction. She was involved in the transition of the INFORMS College of Simulation to I-Sim, helped create the INFORMS WORMS Forum, and has been a steadfast supporter of women and minorities in the field. She served as the I-Sim Secretary/ Treasurer (1998-2000), VP/President-Elect 2000-2002, and President 2002-2004.  She has also served in several other I-SIM roles, including the Nominations Committee, as a Council member, Lifetime Professional Achievement Award Committee and Best Publication Award Committee. Her service on editorial boards in support of simulation research is also noteworthy.

In the trenches, Susan has been a stalwart contributor to WSC, both as a presenter (including being a “Titan of Simulation”), as well as a volunteer supporter. For example, she served on the WSC Foundation Board of Directors as a Member (2016-2018) and Chair (2019), as well as on the WSC Board of Directors, ASA representative member (2004-2011) and Chair (2009). Her commitment to the ongoing success of the WSC is clearly demonstrated in such activities. Susan’s efforts have always been in the best interest of the simulation community and its members. The spirit of service that permeate her personal life are the very same ones that have made her a valued contributor to I-SIM and the broader simulation community. Simply put, she is a superb choice for the I-SIM Distinguished Service Award.

Michael Fu Receives 2018 Distinguished Service Award
Left to right:  Raghu Pasupathy, Michael Fu, Björn Johansson

The INFORMS Simulation Society (I-Sim) presented its 2018 Distinguished Service Award to Dr. Michael Fu, Smith Chair of Management Science at the Decision, Operations, and Information Technologies Department of the Robert H. Smith of Business, University of Maryland at College Park, for his outstanding contributions in service over the past twenty-five years to I-Sim, the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), and the broader simulation community. A presentation of the award took place on December 10, 2018, during the opening session of the 2018 WSC in Gothenburg, Sweden, followed by an extended re-presentation of the award on December 11, 2018, during the I-Sim business meeting.

I-Sim established its Distinguished Service Award (DSA) in 1986 to recognize each year at most one individual who has provided “long-standing, exceptional service to the simulation community ( acquitted with distinction.” In 2018, the award selection committee consisted of Enver Yücesan (INSEAD), Douglas Morrice (University of Texas-Austin), and John Fowler (Arizona State University), with Enver Yücesan completing his final year of service on the committee and Douglas Morrice serving as chair.

For more than thirty years, Dr. Fu has conducted research in simulation and applied probability with application to problems found in manufacturing, supply chain management, telecommunications, and financial engineering. From his earliest work on perturbation analysis that appeared in the Proceedings of the 1988 Winter Simulation Conference, Dr. Fu has been instrumental in developing Simulation Optimization into a distinct and important research area. Besides his own numerous research contributions, he has done much to create opportunities for scores of other researchers in this burgeoning topic. Since 1994, he has offered several tutorials on Simulation Optimization at WSC and other conferences. In a WSC 2000 panel, he suggested the construction of a Simulation Optimization testbed that other leading researchers eventually developed. As the 2011 WSC Program Chair, Dr. Fu introduced the initial Simulation Optimization track, and it has remained part of the program ever since. In 2010-2011, he received NSF funding to establish the first Workshop on Simulation Optimization that brought together researchers from the simulation, applied probability, and optimization research communities. Lastly, he served as co-coordinator of the WSC 2014 Simulation Optimization track illustrating his sustained commitment to fostering research on this topic at WSC.

The depth and breadth of Dr. Fu’s service contributions are truly remarkable. Besides his aforementioned service to WSC presenting tutorials, participating on panels (multiple times), coordinating tracks, and serving as the WSC 2011 Program Chair, Dr. Fu was a member of the I-Sim Outstanding Publication Award committee from 1999-2002, serving as committee chair in 2001. More recently, he co-authored the article “The Winter Simulation Conference Turns 50” in OR/MS Today with Dr. Thomas J. Schriber. One of Dr. Fu’s nominators states that this article was “not only a great service to the simulation community, but also a great outreach piece to the broader OR/MS world.”

Dr. Fu has had a remarkably distinguished career of service on the editorial boards of several top journals in the field including Management Science, Operations Research, Mathematics of Operations

Research, INFORMS Journal on Computing, IIE Transactions, and Production Operations Management. Of particular note, he served as Stochastic Models and Simulation Department Editor for Management Science from 2006-2008 (plus an additional eight years as Associate Editor) and Simulation Area Editor for Operations Research from 2000-2005 (plus two years as Associate Editor). Dr. Fu has also influenced the field by his service as National Science Foundation Operations Research Program Director (4 years), Treasurer on the INFORMS Board of Directors (2 years), member of the INFORMS OR/MS Today and Analytics magazine committee (4 years), and member and chair of the INFORMS Lancaster Prize Committee (2 years). All of these service positions not only positively impact the simulation community, but also the larger OR/MS community as well.

One of Dr. Fu’s nominators sums up a sentiment voiced by all his nominators and the DSA committee members: “Michael’s efforts have always been in the best interest of the simulation community and its members. The character traits that permeate his personal life are the very same ones that have made him a valuable and dedicated contributor to I-SIM. There are people who are more visible than Michael in their activities, but few have done it with the dedication that he exudes. Simply put, he is a superb choice for the I-SIM Distinguished Service Award.”

John Fowler Receives 2017 Distinguished Service Award 
DSA-2017-picture.jpgLeft to right: John Fowler and Enver Yücesan

The INFORMS Simulation Society (I-Sim) presented its 2017 Distinguished Service Award to Dr. John Fowler, Motorola Professor of International Business at the Department of Supply Chain Management of the W.P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University, for his outstanding contributions in service over the past twenty five years to I-Sim, the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), and the broader simulation community.  A presentation of the award took place on December 4, 2017, during the opening session of the 2017 WSC in Las Vegas, NV, followed by an extended re-presentation of the award on December 5, 2017, during the I-Sim business meeting.

I-Sim established its Distinguished Service Award in 1986 to recognize each year at most one individual who has provided “long-standing, exceptional service to the simulation community ( acquitted with distinction.” In 2017, the award selection committee consisted of Enver Yücesan (INSEAD), Jeffrey A. Joines (North Carolina State University), and Douglas Morrice (University of Texas-Austin), with Jeff Joines completing his final year of service on the committee and Enver Yücesan serving as chair.

Dr. Fowler works on theoretical and applied problems related to the semiconductor manufacturing industry, and healthcare among other important sectors. What makes Dr. Fowler's research record particularly special is that he has the ability to employ a wide swath of techniques to address difficult problems through the clever use of computer simulation, scheduling theory, regression analysis, design of experiments, genetic algorithms, and other optimization methods.  It is these research interests that shaped Dr. Fowler’s service: in particular, Dr. Fowler co‐founded the Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (MASM) in 1999, which is the premier conference in semiconductor manufacturing. He has served in the program committee of most editions of the conference and co‐organized it multiple times.  He was behind the integration of MASM with the Winter Simulation Conference, making it the most important annual event in the community. He played a leading role in expanding the use of discrete event simulation in semiconductor manufacturing.

Dr. Fowler has also assumed many leadership roles within the Winter Simulation Conference since 2005. In particular, he was the Program Chair in 2008.  He served as the SCS Representative on the WSC Board of Directors in 2005 – 2013; he was the Chair of the WSC Board of Directors in 2011;  he served as the INFORMS Simulation Society Treasurer in 2010-2011; he was the IIE Representative on the WSC Board of Directors in 2014-2017.  Dr. Fowler has also been a driving force behind the international expansion of WSC, taking the Conference to Berlin in 2012 and to Gothenburg in 2018.

With respect to editorial responsibilities, Dr. Fowler has an impressive track record.  He was the founding editor-in-chief of IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering during 2011 – 2016; an Area Editor, for Production and Operations Management, Modeling & Simulation during 1996-1998; an Area Editor for Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Applications, Manufacturing, during 2001 – 2009;  an Associate Editor for Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) during 2013-2015, and an Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Simulation during 2005 – 2012.  Since 2012, he is serving as the Editor of the journal.

Dr. Fowler also has important, but less-visible, service. He is an amazing mentor to doctoral students and junior faculty. He particularly promotes the careers of women, both PhD students and junior faculty. He is generous with his time and his ideas; he is always encouraging rather than critical. And he is unfailingly honest. Many colleagues have witnessed him act as the conscience of a meeting or event.

Dr. Fowler has the highest ethical and professional standards.  As a colleague eloquently put it, “if a part of “service” is putting your field or your colleagues ahead of yourself, then John is without peer.”

Douglas Morrice Receives 2016 Distinguished Service Award

Left to right: Douglas Morrice and Jeffrey A. Joines

The INFORMS Simulation Society (I-Sim) presented its 2016 Distinguished Service Award to Douglas J. Morrice, Bobbie and Coulter R. Sublett Centennial Professor of Business, at Red McCombs School of Business, The University of Texas at Austin, for his outstanding contributions in service over the past twenty five years to I-Sim, the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), and the broader simulation community.  A presentation of the award took place on December 12, 2016, during the opening session of the 2016 WSC in Arlington, VA; an extended re-presentation of the award took place on December 13, 2016, during the I-Sim business meeting held at WSC. 

I-Sim established its Distinguished Service Award in 1986 to recognize each year at most one individual who has provided “long-standing, exceptional service to the simulation community ( acquitted with distinction.” In 2016, the award selection committee consisted of Peter J. Haas (IBM Research Division), Jeffrey A. Joines (North Carolina State University), and Enver Yücesan (INSEAD), with Peter Haas completing his final year of service on the committee and Jeff Joines serving as chair. 

Over a 25-year career, Doug Morrice has indeed rendered exceptional service.  Between 1994 and 1996, he was the Secretary for the INFORMS College on Simulation.  In addition, Doug has served WSC in almost every possible capacity. He was the INFORMS Simulation Society Representative to the Winter Simulation Conference Board of Directors from 2004 to 2012, chairing the Board in 2011.  He served as the WSC Program Chair in 2005 and Proceedings Editor in 1996.  He also frequently served on the Program Committee organizing numerous conference sessions and tracks (Healthcare Track 2013, 2014, and 2016, Advanced Tutorials Chair 2005, Introductory Tutorials Chair 2002).  Beyond the WSC, he was the Contributed Papers Chair at the INFORMS Conference, Fall, 1997. 

Doug also has a long list of editorial contributions, including. Editor-At-Large, Simulation Area for Interfaces, 2005-present; Senior Editor in Supply Chain Management for Journal of Production and Operations Management, 2003 – present; Area Editor, IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 2014-present; Associate Editor for ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation. 2000 – 2001.

Beyond his specific contributions, what truly distinguishes Doug is his universally admired collegial style, which has been described as humble, altruistic, and generous.

Enver Yücesan Receives 2015 Distinguished Service Award







Left to right: Enver Yücesan and Peter J. Haas

I-Sim established its Distinguished Service Award in 1986 to recognize each year at most one individual who has provided “long-standing, exceptional service to the simulation community … acquitted with distinction.”  In 2015 the award selection committee consisted of Peter J. Haas (IBM Research Division), Jeffrey A. Joines (North Carolina State University), and James R. Wilson (North Carolina State University), with Jim completing his final year of service on the committee and Peter serving as chair.

Over a 24 year career, Enver Yücesan has indeed rendered exceptional service. Some of Enver’s notable contributions include:

  • Co-organizing the first I-Sim Research Workshop in 2007. This series of workshops has proven highly successful at providing a high-quality forum for interactive discussion of early-stage research, providing important moral support especially to simulation researchers working in professional isolation.
  • Extensive service to WSC. Enver has served WSC in almost every possible capacity, organizing the PhD Colloquium in 1995 and 1996 and serving as both 2002 Proceedings Co-Editor and 2010 Program Chair, in addition to serving on the Program Committee and organizing numerous conference sessions and tracks. Not surprisingly, Enver received the WSC Board of Directors Distinguished Service Award in both 2009 and 2010.
  • Building the international simulation community. Enver has been described as a “key player” in this effort because of his activities in organizing professional conferences around the world. He was General Chair (twice) and Program Chair for the EuroSim MultiConference, as well as a five-time PC member for the MOSIM conference in Europe and Africa. Overall he has served on at least 17 conference committees, including PADS, ASIM, and others.
  • Editorial work. As Editor of IIE Transactions, Enver has been described by a colleague as “instrumental in significantly enhancing the stature of IIET’s output in simulation research.” He has also served on six additional editorial boards, including Management Science and INFORMS Journal on Computing.
  • Teaching and education. Starting from when he was a PhD student at Cornell, where he won the Outstanding TA Award an unprecedented three times, Enver has shown a long-standing dedication to simulation education and genuine engagement with students. For example, his keynote talk at the WSC PhD colloquium has been described as “exceptionally thoughtful and motivating.” More recently, he has served twice as Chair of the Department of Technology and Operations Management, and in 2014 received an award for Teaching Excellence in Executive Education.

Beyond his specific contributions, what truly distinguishes Enver is his universally admired collegial style, which has been described variously as humble, altruistic, generous, and more. In the words of a colleague, “Enver epitomizes the characteristics of kindness, friendliness, and considerate professionalism that make our community so special”.

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Jeffrey A. Joines Receives 2014 Distinguished Service Award





Left to right: Jeffrey A. Joines and Jim Wilson

The INFORMS Simulation Society (I-Sim) presented its 2014 Distinguished Service Award to Professor Jeff Joines of North Carolina State University for his outstanding contributions in service to I-Sim, to the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), and to the international simulation community over the past twenty years.  A presentation of the award took place on December 8, 2014, during the opening session of the 2014 WSC in Savannah, Georgia; and an extended re-presentation of the award took on place December 9, 2014, during the I-Sim business meeting held at WSC.

I-Sim established its Distinguished Service Award in 1986 to recognize each year at most one individual who has provided “long-standing, exceptional service to the simulation community … acquitted with distinction.”'  In 2014 the award selection committee consisted of Peter Haas (IBM Corporation), Pierre L’Ecuyer (Université de Montréal), and Jim Wilson (North Carolina State University), with Pierre completing his final year of service on the committee and Jim serving as chair. 

Over a period spanning three decades, Jeff Joines has rendered yeoman service of the highest order to the international simulation community, to I-Sim, and to WSC.  In particular, Jeff has played a leading role in the growth and development of the Winter Simulation Conference since the mid-1990s. Jeff developedfrom scratchWSC’s first online paper submission system, which was used from 1997 to 2010 as a critical part not only of WSC’s website but also of I-Sim's freely accessible online archive of back volumes of the WSCProceedings. Peter Welch memorably recalled this aspect of Jeff's service to WSC:

“I worked with Jeff from 1995 to 2012 on the website for the Winter Simulation Conference. He recognized the potential importance of the web and the Internet for the conference in early 1995 and guided his paper submission system toward the realization of that potential. The submission and selection process became Internet oriented, and in 1997 his system produced a web version of the program complete with links to abstracts of all the papers a month or so before the conference. This must have been a major boon to justifying attendance. It was simple for me [as web coordinator] to add links to the papers and create the Conference Archive, which proved popular and was extended a few years ago to the entire history of the conference. Besides the paper submission system, Jeff contributed in many other ways to the conference in the years I was involved with it.”

Jeff has served as the Technical Coordinator of WSC’s Online Submission and Database Systems since 2000.  He was Coeditor of theProceedings of the 2000 Winter Simulation Conference, he served as Associate Program Chair in 2004, and he was the Program Chair in 2005.  He has served as a WSC Track Coordinator in 2009, 2011, and 2014.  Since 2009, Jeff has also served as a member of the WSC Board of Directors representing the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society.  

Beyond his service to the international simulation community, Jeff has also served as chair, organizer, and program committee member for several conferences on evolutionary computation.  He is also coauthor (with S. D. Roberts) ofSimulation Modeling with SIMIO: A Workbook, with translations into Chinese, Italian, Mongolian, Portuguese, and Spanish.

In all aspects of his professional life, Jeff Joines epitomizes the highest ideals of I-Sim's Distinguished Service Award.  It was with great pride that the selection committee presented to him the 2014 Distinguished Service Award of the INFORMS Simulation Society.

Bernard P. Zeigler Receives 2013 Distinguished Service Award

Saurabh Mittal accepts the award on behalf of the awardee

The INFORMS Simulation Society is pleased to recognize Bernard P. Zeigler, Emeritus Professor at University of Arizona, as the recipient of the Distinguished Service Award, which was established “to recognize individuals who have provided long-standing, exceptional service to the simulation community.” The award was presented at the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference, held in Washington, DC. The Selection Committee consisted of Pierre L'Ecuyer, Peter Welch, and James R. Wilson.

Few of Bernard’s outstanding contributions to the international simulation community include serving as editor in chief of Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International and Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation. Bernard was vice-president and president of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International. Furthermore, he was the founder and co-director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Modeling and simulation.

Jeffrey Smith Receives 2012 Distinguished Service Award

Left to right: Pierre L'Ecuyer and Jeffrey Smith

The INFORMS Simulation Society is pleased to recognize Jeffery S. Smith with its Distinguished Service Award. The Distinguished Service Award, given at most once a year, was established "to recognize individuals who have provided long-standing, exceptional service to the simulation community." The award was presented during the opening ceremonies of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference, held in Berlin, Germany. The Selection Committee consisted of past awardees Preston White, Pierre L'Ecuyer, and Peter Welch.

Jeffrey Smith has rendered outstanding service to the international simulation community through his work with the Winter Simulation Conference. Moreover through his leadership in the area of manufacturing simulation and through his publications in all areas of simulation, Jeff has significantly advanced the impact and visibility of the field worldwide.

Jeff served as coeditor of the Proceedings of the WSC '01, Jeff was instrumental in reducing the publication cost of the Proceedings when WSC was faced with a thirty-percent drop in attendance following the terrorist attacks of September 11. Jeff was the registration chair for WSC ’03 as well as the chair of an ad hoc committee of the WSC Board that was charged with soliciting bids for conference management during the following three-year period.  In 2003 Jeff laid the foundation for an orderly transition of WSC management to INFORMS, thereby reducing projected conference-management cost by at least forty percent. In 2004 Jeff was the general chair of WSC. He radically restructured significant segments of the WSC ’04 program and heavily promoted the revamped program to WSC’s traditional constituencies in academia, government, and industry.  By this extraordinary effort, Jeff managed to restore conference attendance to its pre–9/11 levels. Jeff Smith played a critical role in successfully bringing the WSC through the most difficult period in its forty-five-year history. He was registration chair in 2009, and business chair in 2010.  Since 2010 Jeff has served on the WSC Board of Directors as co-representative of the Institute of Industrial Engineers. In 2012 he was webmaster for the WSC web site.

Pierre L'Ecuyer Receives 2011 Distinguished Service Award from the INFORMS Simulation Society

Left to right: Pierre L'Ecuyer and Peter J. Haas

The INFORMS Simulation Society is pleased to recognize Pierre L’Ecuyer with its Distinguished Service Award. The Distinguished Service Award, given at most once a year, was established "to recognize individuals who have provided long-standing, exceptional service to the simulation community." The award was presented during the opening ceremonies of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference, held in Phoenix, AZ. The Selection Committee consisted of past awardees Preston White, Russell Barton, and Peter Welch.

Among his many accomplishments, Pierre has organized and/or chaired seven international workshops, including the highly successful 2011 I-SIM Workshop held in Montreal. He has served on program committees for thirty-five international conferences and as a referee for over 100 archival journals. He also has served as an associate, area, or guest editor for ten journals and currently is Editor-in-Chief of the ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS). He has authored over 200 scholarly publications, including both the 2009 I-SIM Outstanding Research Publication and one of the “ten Landmark Papers that impacted the theory, education, and practice of simulation” recognized at the WSC2007. Pierre is an INFORMS Fellow and a Fellow of the IRISA Michel Métivier Foundation.

Peter Welch Receives 2010 Distinguished Service Award from the INFORMS Simulation Society

The INFORMS Simulation Society is pleased to recognize Peter D. Welch with its Distinguished Service Award. The award was presented during the opening ceremonies of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference, recently held in Baltimore, MD. The Selection Committee consisted of Russell Barton, Russell Cheng and K. Preston White. The Distinguished Service Award, given at most once a year, was established "to recognize individuals who have provided long-standing, exceptional service to the simulation community." During Peter Welch’s service as the Simulation Department Area Editor of Operations Research during the period 1983-1987 he was successful in promoting simulation as a rigorous discipline. Simulation publications in the journal at that time were critical to the academic success of many of simulation’s top researchers. Welch was also recognized for over 15 years of outstanding service in the initiation and continuing development of the websites for the Winter Simulation Conference,, the INFORMS Simulation Society,, and the WSC Foundation, These Web sites are regarded as primary sources of information about the INFORMS Simulation Society, the Winter Simulation Conference, and the WSC Foundation. In particular, his work in connecting the WSC Proceedings and other WSC presentation material to the I-Sim and WSC Web sites has been instrumental in the establishment of WSC and its Proceedings as the premier international forum for rapid dissemination of new developments in discrete-event and combined discrete-continuous simulation.

Awardees of 2009 and prior

2009: K. Preston White, Jr.
2008: Russell Barton
2007: Russell C. H. Cheng
2006: Not given
2005: Deborah Sadowski
2004: Not given
2003: Barry Nelson
2002: David Goldsman
2001: Not given
2000: Felix Breitenecker
1999: Jerry Banks
1998: W. David Kelton
1997: Bruce Schmeiser
1996: Thomas J. Schriber
1995: James R. Wilson
1994: Stephen D. Roberts
1993: Not given
1992: Not given
1991: A. Alan B. Pritsker
1990: George S. Fishman
1989: Harold Joseph Highland
1988: Robert G. Sargent
1987: Richard E. Nance
1986: John McLeod