Call for Proposals
INFORMS Simulation Society Research Workshop
Dear INFORMS Simulation (I-Sim) Members,
After a successful I-Sim Research Workshop held in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology this summer, we would like to continue the tradition and hold the next I-Sim workshop. I-Sim is now calling for proposals to host the research workshop in Summer 2026.
If you are interested in organizing the next I-Sim Research Workshop, please send an email to to indicate your intent to submit a proposal. I-Sim will evaluate proposals as they come in, but for best consideration of the proposal, please submit the proposal by December 31, 2024.
The proposal should be at most two pages, and briefly describe the following items:
(1) Proposed organizers (chair and co-chairs).
(2) Research theme and high-level description of technical program structure (e.g., rough composition of plenary speakers, posters, invited / contributed papers, etc.)
(3) Proposed venue.
(4) Potential sources of local administrative and financial support.
(5) A short list of local academic departments and industrial groups who are active in the proposed research / application areas.
(6) Any other factors that would help to ensure the success of the workshop, such as engagement of local experts and participants, logistics and accessibility of the location, networking initiatives.
(7) Suggested dates (in summer 2026). With respect to dates, the goal is to avoid, as much as possible, conflicts with other major conferences in the areas of simulation and with other INFORMS-sponsored conferences.
You can find details of past workshops below.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Best regards,
Enlu Zhou
I-Sim President
Fouts Family Professor, H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia
Past Workshops
2024 Simulation Workshop
2021 Simulation Workshop
2017 Simulation Workshop
2015 Simulation Workshop
2011 Simulation Workshop
2009 Simulation Workshop
2007 Simulation Workshop