Distinguished Service Award

Distinguished Service Award

Call for Nominations 
2023 Distinguished Service Award of the 
INFORMS Simulation Society 

To recognize individuals who have provided long-standing, exceptional service to the simulation community, the INFORMS Simulation Society annually sponsors a Distinguished Service Award, given to at most one person each year. This award is for sustained service to the simulation community over at least fifteen to twenty years or longer, and acquitted with distinction. The concept of service for this award does not include teaching or research contributions. Areas of volunteer service include, for example: (i) elected offices in simulation societies; (ii) editorial responsibilities such as area editor or editor-in-chief, for simulation; (iii) responsibilities such as program chair, proceedings editor, general chair, or member of the program or organizing committee, for conferences involving simulation; (iv) appointed positions for simulation-related activities, such as newsletter editor or serving on committees; and (v) undertakings and actions that promote simulation. 
Nominations for the award to be given in 2023 can be made by anyone and should be sent by October 15th, 2023, to the Distinguished Service Award Committee Chair: 

Theresa Roeder
San Francisco State University


The other committee members are Susan Sanchez (Naval Postgraduate School) and Christos Alexopoulos (Georgia Institute of Technology). 
Letters of nomination should identify the nominee’s areas of exceptional service, detailing the activities for which the nominee is believed to deserve this award. The nominator has the responsibility for justifying why the nominee should receive this award. If given, the award will be presented at the Winter Simulation Conference, December 10–13, 2023: http://www.wintersim.org.

Click here for a list of previous award winners