Spring 2022


In This Issue:

Message from the Section Chair

Dear member:  I hope this message finds you well.

This newsletter provides some updates on a number of initiatives that the Section is pursuing including our webinar series, the practice award and the student paper competition. Our section conference is scheduled for June 20-22, 2022 in a virtual format. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the organizing committee René Caldentey, Ozan Candogan, and Rad Niazadeh for all their hard work. I also would like to encourage everyone in our community to register and attend the conference. Please go to the conference website (here) for details.

I am pleased to report that we have formed three fantastic committees for our annual Section, Practice and Jeff McGill Student Paper awards.

Section Award: The committee is being chaired by Ming Hu (University of Toronto) and includes Vivek Farias (MIT), Nicole Immorlica (Microsoft), and Paat Rusmevichientong (USC). The submission deadline is July 1, 2022.

Practice Award: The committee is being chaired by Maxime Cohen (McGill University) and includes Pavithra Harsha (IBM Research), Victor Martínez de Albéniz (IESE), and Daniela Saban (Stanford University). The submission deadline is May 9, 2022.

Jeff McGill Student Paper Award: The committee is being chaired by Bora Keskin (Duke Fuqua) and includes Francisco Castro (UCLA Anderson), Yao Cui (Cornell Johnson), Kaitlin Daniels (WashU Olin), Karan Girotra (Cornell-Tech and Cornell Johnson), Jun Li (Michigan Ross), Meng Li (UH Bauer), Vahideh Manshadi (Yale SOM), Sebastien Martin (Northwestern Kellogg), Daniela Saban (Stanford GSB), Nur Sunar (UNC-Chapel Hill Kenan-Flagler) and Ruxian Wang (JHU). The submission deadline is July 31, 2022.

I want to thank all committee members for supporting these important awards.

If you have any suggestions or questions, please feel free to reach out to me. Also, don’t forget to invite your colleagues and students to join our RMP Section (details on how to join at the end).

Best wishes.

Ozge Sahin

Professor of Operations Management and Business Analytics

Johns Hopkins Carey Business School




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Conference Updates

2022 INFORMS Revenue Management & Pricing Conference (Virtual)
Location: The University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Dates: June 20-22, 2022
The 21st INFORMS Revenue Management & Pricing Conference will be hosted by the University of Chicago Booth School of Business on June 20-22, 2022. Conference co-chairs are René Caldentey, Ozan Candogan, and Rad Niazadeh. Due to the still evolving uncertain conditions created by the Covid-19 pandemic the conference will be held in an online format. Please go to the conference website (here) for details.


Upcoming INFORMS RMP Conferences

  • 2023 INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Conference
    • Location: Imperial College Business School, London, USA
    • Dates: TBA

  •  2024 INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Conference
    • Location: UCLA Andersen School of Management, Los Angeles, USA
    • Dates: TBA

  • 2025 INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Conference
    • Location: Columbia Graduate School of Business, New York, USA
    • Dates: TBA


Other Conferences


  •  32nd European Conference on Operational Research

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Practice Webinar Series

We launched the RMP practice webinar series in 2020 to better facilitate dialogues between academics and practitioners. We plan to run the webinar series as a regular event every quarter. So far, we have successfully hosted three webinars:

  • The first webinar took place on October 7, 2020. Robert Phillips (Amazon) talked about “Pricing and Analytics - Challenges and Research Opportunities”.
  • The second webinar took place on February 10, 2021. Vahab Mirrokni (Google) talked about “Recent Trends in Online Ad Markets: Robustness, Learning, and Automation”.
  • The third webinar took place on May 12, 2021. Nicolas Stier-Moses (Facebook) talked about “Operations Management Research at Facebook”.
  • The fourth webinar took place on April 7, 2022. Tara Mardan (Amazon) and Joe Cooprider (Amazon) talked about “Science of Pricing Experimentation at Amazon”.

The video recordings are available on our INFORMS site (https://connect.informs.org/rmp/rmpresources/webinar).

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Student Live Paper Series

We launched the RMP student live paper series on YouTube last year to promote works by RMP Section’s student members. We plan to extend these series to include other recorded talks and webinars. This RMP student live paper series is an ongoing effort, and we will keep adding new presentations to the list. If you are interested, please send an email to RMPlivepaper20@gmail.com. Talks can be accessed through our YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVF0N1jTIgHOiepvKgrXAnw/videos.

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RMP Section – How to Join

To become a member of the Revenue Management and Pricing Section, it is the easiest (but not necessary) just to add it to the regular INFORMS membership. Those who’d rather focus exclusively on the Section’s activities can become members only of the Section by calling 1-800-446-3676. More information can be found at: http://connect.informs.org/rmp/membership/how-to-join

Benefits of Membership

As a member of the Section, you will receive benefits such as our newsletter, registration fee discount to annual section conference, 50% off the subscription rate to the Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, and listserver announcements. More information can be found at: http://connect.informs.org/rmp/membership/benefits

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