The Khachiyan Prize of the INFORMS Optimization Society was established in 2010 and is awarded annually at the fall INFORMS Annual Meeting to an individual or a team for life-time achievements in the area of optimization. The award recognizes a sustained career of scholarship from nominees who are still active at the year of the nomination. The prize serves as an esteemed recognition of innovativeness and impact in the area of optimization, including theory and applications. Recipients of the INFORMS John von Neumann Theory Prize or the MPS/SIAM Dantzig Prize in prior years are not eligible for the Khachiyan Prize.
The award includes a cash amount of $3,000 and a citation certificate. The award winner(s) will be invited to give a thirty minute presentation at the INFORMS National Meeting. The winners will be responsible for all travel expenses associated with the presentation of their paper at the INFORMS meeting. Award winners are also asked to contribute an article about their award-winning work to the Optimization Society newsletter.
Leonid Khachiyan
Using the ellipsoid algorithm, in 1979, Leonid Khachiyan was the first to prove that linear optimization can be solved in polynomial time. Read more about Leonid Khachiyan and the importance of his work in optimization.
The nominee(s) and their work must satisfy the following conditions:
- The Khachiyan Prize is awarded for outstanding life-time contributions to the field of optimization by an individual or team.
- The topic of the contribution must belong to the field of optimization in its broadest sense.
- Recipients of the INFORMS John von Neumann Theory Prize or the MPS/SIAM Dantzig Prize in prior years are not eligible for the Khachiyan Prize.
- The prize may be awarded once in a lifetime to any individual.
Nomination Process
A complete nomination consists of a single PDF file containing:
- A letter of nomination, not exceeding two pages, summarizing the nominee's contributions with explanations of their importance and impact;
- A curriculum vitae for the nominee, not exceeding four pages.
Winners and committee members
Committee members
2024 |
Dorit Hochbaum
Gerard Cornuejols, Ignacio Grossmann, Renato Monterio, Suvrajeet Sen (Chair)
2023 |
Monique Laurent Renato Monteiro
Michel Goemans (chair), Karen Aardal, Yurii Nesterov, Stephen Wright
2022 |
Daniel Bienstock David Shmoys
Gerard Cornuejols (chair), Jorge Nocedal, Werner Romisch, Laurence Wolsey
2021 |
Boris Polyak
Alex Shapiro (chair), Dimitris Bertsimas, Gerard Cornuejols, Stephen Wright
2020 |
Stephen Wright James Orlin
Jorge Nocedal (chair), Oktay Gunluk, Tamara Kolda, Alex Shapiro
2019 |
Masakazu Kojima
Robert Vanderbei (chair), Don Goldfarb, Jean Lasserre, James Renegar
2018 |
John N. Hooker, James Renegar, Werner Römisch
Suvrajeet Sen (chair), Ignacio Grossmann, Arkadi Nemirovski, David Shmoys
2017 |
Robert Vanderbei |
Gerald Brown (chair), Bill Cook, Andrzej Ruszczyński, and Yinyu Ye.
Aharon Ben-Tal
Tamás Terlaky (chair), Philip Gill, Dorit Hochbaum, Werner Römisch
Jean Bernard Lasserre
Ilan Adler (chair), Mike Ball, Don Goldfarb, Werner Römisch
Clóvis C. Gonzaga and Dimitri Bertsekas
Tamás Terlaky (chair), Daniel Bienstock, Immanuel Bomze, John Birge
Donald Goldfarb and Alexander Shapiro
Jorge Nocedal (chair), Michael Todd, Jean-Philippe Vial, Laurence Wolsey.
András Prékopa
Kurt Anstreicher (chair), Egon Balas, Claude Lemaréchal, Éva Tardos.
Kees Roos and Jean-Philippe Vial
George Nemhauser (chair), Yurii Nesterov, Lex Schrijver, Tamás Terlaky
George L. Nemhauser
Martin Groetschel, Arkadi Nemirovski, Panos Pardalos, Tamás Terlaky (chair)