The INFORMS Optimization Section was formed in the fall of 1995 and became a Society in 2004.
The Optimization Society has two goals:
- to promote the development and application of optimization methods and software tools for the solution of problems in Operations Research/Management Science, and
- to encourage the exchange of information among practitioners and scholars in the optimization area.
Optimization Society Prizes
Congratulations to this year's winners of the INFORMS Optimization Society Prizes!
Khachiyan Prize: Dorit Hochbaum
Farkas Prize: Daniel Kuhn
Egon Balas Prize: Amir Ali Ahmadi
Young Researchers Paper Prize: Ernest K. Ryu
Young Researchers Paper Prize: Joseph Paat, Ingo Stallknecht, Zach Walsh, and Luze Xu
Student Paper Prize: Eitan Levin
Student Paper Prize 2nd Place: Liwei Jiang
Student Paper Prize Honorable Mention: Zikai Xiong
Student Paper Prize Honorable Mention: Sanyou Mei