
The INFORMS Optimization Section was formed in the fall of 1995 and became a Society in 2004.

The Optimization Society has two goals:

  1. to promote the development and application of optimization methods and software tools for the solution of problems in Operations Research/Management Science, and
  2. to encourage the exchange of information among practitioners and scholars in the optimization area.

Optimization Society Prizes

The applications/nominations for 2024 INFORMS Optimization Society Prizes are open. Please send applications/nominations to selection committee chairs. The due date for applications/nominations for all IOS prizes is July 10th, 2024, 11:59 PM EDT.

For eligibility and application/nomination information for the Optimization Society Prizes, please visit:

Prize committee chairs:
IOS 2024 Khachiyan Prize Committee Chair: Suvrajeet Sen (suvrajes@usc.edu)
IOS 2024 Farkas Prize Committee Chair: Jon Lee (jonxlee@umich.edu)
IOS 2024 Egon Balas Prize Committee Chair: Jim Luedtke (jim.luedtke@wisc.edu)
IOS 2024 Young Researchers Prize Committee Chair: Andy Sun (sunx@mit.edu)
IOS 2024 Student Paper Prize Committee Chair: Robert Hildebrand (rhil@vt.edu)

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