The INFORMS Optimization Society awards five prizes annually at the INFORMS annual meeting. Each of the five awards includes a cash amount of US$ 3,000 and a citation certificate. The award winners will be invited to give a presentation in a special session sponsored by the Optimization Society during the INFORMS annual meeting (the winners will be responsible for their own travel expenses to the meeting). Award winners are also asked to contribute an article about their award-winning work to the annual Optimization Society newsletter. The five prizes are listed below with links to more information about them.
- The Khachiyan Prize, for outstanding lifetime contributions to the field of optimization by an individual or team;
- The Farkas Prize, for outstanding contributions by a mid-career researcher to the field of optimization, over the course of their career;
- The Egon Balas Prize, awarded annually to an individual for a body of contributions in the area of optimization.
- The Prize for Young Researchers, awarded to one or more young researcher(s) for an outstanding paper in optimization that is submitted to and accepted, or published in a refereed professional journal;
- The Student Paper Prize, awarded to one or more student(s) for an outstanding paper in optimization that is submitted to and received or published in a refereed professional journal within three calendar years preceding the year of the award.