INFORMS Open Forum

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Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

  • 1.  Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-03-2023 07:53

    We're looking forward to our Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS event being held on Tuesday, August 22nd from 1:00 – 2:00 ET. Members Robin Dillon-Merrill and Sofia Perez-Guzman will be available to answer your questions about volunteering opportunities with the association. The event will be strictly online - no audio, no video.

    Instructions: Reply directly to this thread with your questions – the thread will open at 1:00 pm ET on August 22nd. If you can't make it during this time, please email me your questions ( and I will post them on your behalf during the event. 

    Jill Capello
    Membership Associate
    Catonsville MD

  • 2.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:00

    Welcome INFORMS members. I am looking forward to answering questions. -Robin

    Robin Dillon-Merrill
    Georgetown University
    Washington DC

  • 3.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:00

    Welcome to our first Ask Me Anything thread on the topic of Volunteering with INFORMS. As you know, INFORMS is a volunteer-run association and everything we do involves the support of volunteers. If you're interested in getting involved, please don't be shy – reach out and we'll help you find the best volunteering opportunity for you. If you have a question about volunteering with INFORMS, please post it. Sofia and Robin, could you both please make a post introducing yourselves and then we'll start answering members' questions?

    Jill Capello
    Membership Associate
    Catonsville MD

  • 4.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:02

    I said hello, but didn't introduce myself. I am a Professor and Area Chair of Operations and Analytics in the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University. I am also the President-elect for the Decision Analysis Society, a subdivision of INFORMS.

    Robin Dillon-Merrill
    Georgetown University
    Washington DC

  • 5.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:04

    What are some of the paradigms for mentoring or volunteering that have been successful for INFORMS members in the past?

    Ira Gershkoff
    SlipStream Aviation Software, Inc.
    Novato CA

  • 6.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:07

    I think most people start volunteering with subdivisions because those are a group of people that are closest to your research interests. Unless you know that you are already interested in INFORMS society issues like: membership, outreach, publications, education, etc.

    Robin Dillon-Merrill
    Georgetown University
    Washington DC

  • 7.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:12

    Another thing to consider to start volunteering is attending the business meetings and/or receptions of your interest groups. This allows you to learn first hand about the events happening and opportunities to get involved.

    Sofia Perez-Guzman
    Assistant Professor
    Georgia Institute of Technology

  • 8.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:14

    And Sofia is referring to the business meetings and receptions that occur at the annual meeting for INFORMS. This year in Phoenix in October.

    Robin Dillon-Merrill
    Georgetown University
    Washington DC

  • 9.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 14:02

    Talking of the annual meeting, how can I be part of it virtually as I am in Nigeria and does not have the intention of travelling abroad?

    Seyi Oludare
    quantitative analyst
    Caleb University
    Ijebu Ode

  • 10.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 14:19

    Unfortunately Seyi, the Annual Meeting is completely in-person this year. There will not be any virtual sessions.

    Jill Capello
    Membership Associate
    Catonsville MD

  • 11.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-26-2023 09:46

    Hi Ira!

    I have not been a mentor at INFORMS (yet), but was a mentor for the International Society of Automation (ISA) for many years in the power generation industry.  Since we live in a virtual world more now than before, I would say that the most effective way to mentor is to communicate regularly, not waiting for face-to-face events to "talk". Mentees need to feel comfortable with asking questions of their mentor and that can only happen if trust is established through open communication. From that foundation, an effective mentor-mentee relationship can be built and there will be valuable transfer of information regardless of the medium used (email, forums, web meetings, face-to-face).

    Aaron Hussey
    Founder & CEO
    Integral Analytics, LLC
    Concord NC

  • 12.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-26-2023 09:49
    Edited by Aaron Hussey 08-26-2023 09:51

    Duplicated the post, please ignore this second entry.

    Aaron Hussey
    Founder & CEO
    Integral Analytics, LLC
    Concord NC

  • 13.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:04

    Thank you, Jill! Hi everyone. I am Sofia Perez-Guzman, an assistant professor at Georgia Tech. At informs, I serve as junior vice-president for the Minority Issues Forum (MIF), and I am a member of the Membership and Member Services Committee and the Community Building subcommittee of the DEI Committee. I also served as lead editor for the OR/MS Tomorrow student magazine. I'm happy to answer any questions you may have!

    Sofia Perez-Guzman
    Assistant Professor
    Georgia Institute of Technology

  • 14.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:06

    Hi Jill, Robin,

    I am interested in finding out about volunteering opportunities as well. What are they? What do we do? How does this work?

    Man Basnet
    Associate Teaching Professor
    Iowa State University
    Ames IA

  • 15.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:09

    Hi Man,

    We'll discuss a number of different volunteering opportunities in the next hour.

    Jill Capello
    Membership Associate
    Catonsville MD

  • 16.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:15

    Man, Connect is a great source of information for any volunteering opportunity. Make sure you get the emails from the Open Forum and any other groups. Alternatively, you can log in to Connect from time to time and browse the different posts. 

    Sofia Perez-Guzman
    Assistant Professor
    Georgia Institute of Technology

  • 17.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:01

    Are there any volunteering opportunities that involve research work in the summer?

    Md Sazid Rahman
    Fayetteville AR

  • 18.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:04

    INFORMS as an organization doesn't conduct research, but the society is a great place to meet people who do. For example, if you were to attend the annual meeting, there are researchers from so many universities across the world. That would provide you an opportunity to learn what others are doing and perhaps get involved in some of their research.

    Robin Dillon-Merrill
    Georgetown University
    Washington DC

  • 19.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:01

    Hello there. Excited to be a part of this session.

    Anubhav Shankar

  • 20.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:04

    Are there volunteer opportunities where one can contribute to Open-Source projects? Also, is there a possibility to obtain a LinkedIn reference post a successful volunteership?

    Anubhav Shankar

  • 21.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:11

    Hi Anubhav, I'm not aware of any formal opportunities through INFORMS like this, but you might post about your interest in doing this in the Industry Open Forum. Some folks there may be able to connect with you if they know of anything. As for LinkedIn references, I can't speak to the specific opportunity you asked about, but as an INFORMS staff member who works with volunteers sometimes, I'd be happy to write one and I'm sure my colleagues would as well!

    Tracy Cahall
    Member Engagement Manager
    Catonsville MD

  • 22.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:14

    Hi Tracy,

      Thank you for the elaboration. I'll keep my eye out for such opportunities in the Industry Open forum. Also, thank you for the clarification regarding the reference.


    Anubhav Shankar

    Anubhav Shankar

  • 23.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:12

    INFORMS is a professional society so INFORMS volunteering opportunities would relate to helping the society and its members. For example, lots of people are involved in organizing research tracks for a conference. If you are interested in specific projects, attending the annual meeting and building your network of contacts would help you find research projects to be involved in. 

    Robin Dillon-Merrill
    Georgetown University
    Washington DC

  • 24.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:04

    How did you first get involved with volunteering at INFORMS?

    Jill Capello
    Membership Associate
    Catonsville MD

  • 25.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:05

     I first got involved with INFORMS like many people do, through a subdivision. My research has always aligned with the Decision Analysis Society and my mentors were active participants so they helped bring me into that community. -Robin

    Robin Dillon-Merrill
    Georgetown University
    Washington DC

  • 26.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:23

    My case was similar to Robin's: During the Annual Meeting, my mentors brought me to various business meetings and introduced me to the community. When there were volunteering opportunities available, they shared them with me, explained how things worked, and encouraged me to get involved.

    Sofia Perez-Guzman
    Assistant Professor
    Georgia Institute of Technology

  • 27.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:06

    Perhaps  good questions to start with

    Joining and work with the local informs chapter - for example in my area is is Philly and I used to be involved with NY Metro

    If you are newish member - where are the best places to start volunteering - for example organizing a conference session - a place I started

    An overview of the activities requiring volunteers

    Ken Fordyce
    director analytics without borders
    Wilmington DE

  • 28.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:07

    What volunteering opportunities can you suggest for someone who is quite an introvert?

    Jill Capello
    Membership Associate
    Catonsville MD

  • 29.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:09

     You may be introverted but do you have other skills. Most subdivisions need help keeping their webpages up to date, drafting newsletters, communicating with social media, activities like that. -Robin

    Robin Dillon-Merrill
    Georgetown University
    Washington DC

  • 30.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-26-2023 09:53

    I agree with this - lots of times introverts are great at getting focused work done! Where would we all be without that?!

    Aaron Hussey
    Founder & CEO
    Integral Analytics, LLC
    Concord NC

  • 31.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:10

    ·         We're always looking for articles for the OR/MS Today magazine. If you have a topic you'd like to write on, please contact our editor, Kara Tucker at

    Jill Capello
    Membership Associate
    Catonsville MD

  • 32.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:14

    Hello all,

    I am a doctoral student in IS from Eli Broad College of Business school from Michigan State. I am highly interested in learning more about volunteering for any data science opportunities at the annual meeting or going forward. Please let me know if any opportunities are there?.


    Krishna Pothugunta

    Krishna Pothugunta
    Michigan State University
    East Lansing MI

  • 33.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:17

    Hi Krishna. This is not a data science opportunity, but a general volunteer opportunity at Annual. Our Pro-Bono Analytics Group is partnering with the St. Mary's Food Bank to create individual comfort kits for homeless individuals in Phoenix. During downtime between sessions or during coffee breaks, you can stop by the Exhibit Hall and help assemble the wellness packages while connecting with your fellow attendees and discussing ways OR/MS and analytics can be applied to address societal challenges. Click here for more information:

    Jill Capello
    Membership Associate
    Catonsville MD

  • 34.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:17

    One of the INFORMS subdivisions/societies is specifically called the Analytics Society. That might be a good place to find volunteer opportunities.

    Robin Dillon-Merrill
    Georgetown University
    Washington DC

  • 35.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:33

    Hi Robin, thanks for the information. What would be the best way of finding those opportunities within a subdivision/society? I don't think these opportunities are announced much. 

    Vahideh Sadat Abedi
    Associate Professor
    California State University Fullerton
    Orange CA

  • 36.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:37

    If you are attending the annual meeting, opportunities will be discussed at the business meetings that are held during the conference. If you aren't attending the annual meeting, each society has webpages with officers listed. Most societies probably need help with newsletters, social media outreach, organizing webinar speakers, etc. Reach out to officers for the societies your interests most align with.

    Robin Dillon-Merrill
    Georgetown University
    Washington DC

  • 37.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:38

    Hi Vahideh, You would be surprised by all the announcement that is done! Are you checking Connect regularly? Do you receive the emails about the updates in the Open Forum? Are you subscribed to the subdivision/societies in Connect, and can you see their posts within their specific forums?

    Sofia Perez-Guzman
    Assistant Professor
    Georgia Institute of Technology

  • 38.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:13

    Could you share some success stories or experiences of members who started volunteering within INFORMS with limited time availability and eventually increased their involvement?

    Hungpo Chao
    President & CEO
    Energy Trading Analytics, LLC
    Phoenixville PA

  • 39.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:20

    If you think you initially want a low level of commitment, I would still advise you to find the society/sub-division that most closely aligns with your interests. They are smaller groups, so would have smaller tasks that they need volunteers for - newsletters, maintaining webpages, etc.

    Robin Dillon-Merrill
    Georgetown University
    Washington DC

  • 40.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:24

    We have some micro-volunteering opportunities for people with limited time. Write a 600-word article for OR/MS Today on a personal experience with INFORMS; submit a video to the INFORMS on the Go campaign ( ; become a Connect Champion and post a question or comment on the INFORMS Open Forum in order to enrich the dialogue ( ; post about the INFORMS Annual Meeting on your favorite social media platform and tag us; post welcome messages to new members on the Welcome New Members thread on INFORMS Connect (

    Jill Capello
    Membership Associate
    Catonsville MD

  • 41.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:15

    Good afternoon, 

    I'm an early career analytics professional. What opportunities are there with INFORMS to do pro-bono volunteer work (data analysis, decision support, etc)? I'm especially interested in humanitarian applications.

    Jacob Gratrix
    Assoc Business Analyst - Process & Data
    Charter Communications
    Stamford, CT

  • 42.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:20

    Hi Jacob. Volunteers work in partnership with organizations that assist underserved communities, alleviate social injustice, protect the environment, and serve a host of other worthwhile missions. If you have a few hours available each week to dedicate to a project and are  looking to add more experience to your resume, this might be a good match. You can join the volunteer pool right on the website and you can also read about prior projects the group has been involved with – such as Meals on Wheels, Goodwill, American Music Therapy Association...*1au9eto*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE2ODY2NzkwNjAuQ2p3S0NBandwNkNrQmhCX0Vpd0FsUVZ5eFZCM0dlR1IzMUdwU3ZERlNhWnR4YTY3T2FCN2diTEE0d1VWajFFN29ETWZWUHE0WDJ5TW5ob0MxV0FRQXZEX0J3RQ..*_gcl_au*NTU5MzIzNzQzLjE2ODU0NDI4MDI.

    Jill Capello
    Membership Associate
    Catonsville MD

  • 43.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:24


    I think the strength of INFORMS is that it is a large community of people with similar approaches to solving the world's problems. The volunteer opportunities with INFORMS and with its subdivisions/societies will largely involve helping run the organizations and associated activities like conferences. But getting involved there will build your network where you can meet other people who have research or consulting projects that have humanitarian applications.

    Robin Dillon-Merrill
    Georgetown University
    Washington DC

  • 44.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:24


    I'm extremely interested in volunteering, but unsure where to start. 

    I have a bachelors in Industrial Engineering from Purdue and a job title to match. I spend most of my day configuring our ERPs and creating metrics or whole systems to enable informed decision-making. OR is extremely interesting to me, but I don't have any kind of foothold yet. I'm planning to return to school for a masters in the field - are there volunteering opportunities available to someone with my background before that? 

    Jacob Cook
    Industrial Engineer II
    Scottsburg IN

  • 45.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:29

    Consider getting involved with the OR/MS Tomorrow publication.!  Do you have any interest in becoming a mentee in our Mentor Match program?

    Jill Capello
    Membership Associate
    Catonsville MD

  • 46.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:35

    Hi Jacob! With your current background, you are as eligible as anybody else to join the volunteering opportunities we're mentioning here. The type of volunteering you do would depend on the groups or activities you get involved in, rather than your previous education. If you do start a master's degree, big shout out to ORMS Tomorrow! Keep an eye on the Open Forum and follow their LinkedIn page to learn about open volunteering positions!

    Sofia Perez-Guzman
    Assistant Professor
    Georgia Institute of Technology

  • 47.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:53

    Thanks, following their LinkedIn now! 

    Jacob Cook
    Industrial Engineer II
    Scottsburg IN

  • 48.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:51

    I'll read up on that mentorship program - it sounds great at a glance! 

    Jacob Cook
    Industrial Engineer II
    Scottsburg IN

  • 49.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 14:22

    If you have any specific questions about the Mentor Match program, please email me at

    Jill Capello
    Membership Associate
    Catonsville MD

  • 50.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:33

    Hi Jacob,

    I am sure many of your faculty from Purdue were involved with INFORMS and its different societies. Especially if you are interested in graduate school, finding more mentors and advisors could be really helpful in understanding what graduate programs are good fits for you. Given your stage of career, the micro-volunteering opportunities that Jill listed above might be good places to start. But INFORMS and its members and societies are great places to find more mentors and advisors to help you in career decisions.

    Robin Dillon-Merrill
    Georgetown University
    Washington DC

  • 51.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:54

    I'll skim through those, thanks for the direction! 

    Jacob Cook
    Industrial Engineer II
    Scottsburg IN

  • 52.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:32
    Edited by Hungpo Chao 08-22-2023 13:44

    Thank Sofia, Robin and Jill for taking the time to answer questions and offer insights.   Could you share some success stories or examples of impactful volunteering projects including some lesser-known volunteering initiatives that have been undertaken within INFORMS?

    Hungpo Chao
    President & CEO
    Energy Trading Analytics, LLC
    Phoenixville PA

  • 53.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:36

    Our Award Committees and Scholarship Committees are always recruiting. Reach out to Christy Blevins at for more information.  

    For people who are new to teaching, consider the Early Career Teachers' Network (ECTN) workshop. Contact Nazli Turken at for more information on how to get involved.

    If you're an Early Career Professional, reach out to Heather Moe at for more information on the Early Career Professionals' Network (ECPN)

    INFORMS Insights webinars. If you would like to or if you know of someone who would volunteer to speak on a topic relevant to Early Career Professionals, please share that information with Christy Kielbasa at

    Jill Capello
    Membership Associate
    Catonsville MD

  • 54.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:56

    Hi Hungpao, I would like to mention the Ambassadors Program, organized by the DEI Committee (Ambassador Program - INFORMS Diversity). It has been supporting a wide range of initiatives since 2020. These programs unite academics and practitioners to develop initiatives that foster DEI within our INFORMS community. Some of the first programs continued to grow in the following years. By the way, make sure you follow the DEIC LinkedIn page to learn more about the committee's work, updates, and volunteering opportunities:

    Sofia Perez-Guzman
    Assistant Professor
    Georgia Institute of Technology

  • 55.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:35

    Hello! I was trying to find some basic information.

    1. How do we sign up for volunteering at the annual conference? How can I choose the date and task that I am interested in volunteering for?
    2. Will there be any discount on registration if we sign up for volunteering?

    Upala Junaida Islam
    Arizona State University
    Tempe AZ

  • 56.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:48

    Hi Upala, answering your first question: to start, keep your eyes open on your email for INFORMS newsletters and the Open Forum. If you do not get emails from the Open Forum, make sure you check Connect regularly. The volunteering opportunities for the annual conference would come up there. You can decide what to volunteer for, as opportunities are usually specific, and therefore, determine whether it matches your availability and interest.

    One opportunity I remember from last year was that students attended some sessions and took notes to produce write-ups/articles. @Jill Capello, will there be an opportunity like that this year?

    Sofia Perez-Guzman
    Assistant Professor
    Georgia Institute of Technology

  • 57.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 14:32

    Hi Upala, thanks for the questions. I will just add that we also plan to invite members to become "brand ambassadors" at the meeting. Part of the responsibility will be to help with questions, help attendees use the conference app, give directions, etc. We haven't finalized the job description yet, but please watch the Open Forum for an announcement with lots more detail!

    Tracy Cahall
    Member Engagement Manager
    Catonsville MD

  • 58.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:41

    I'm a retired member, what volunteering opportunities are best suited for me?

    Jill Capello
    Membership Associate
    Catonsville MD

  • 59.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:45

    The Mentor Match program is a great option for retired members who want to volunteer. The 5-month program runs twice a year with sessions beginning in October and April. You can register to become a mentor right on the website at

    You may also consider volunteering for the Speakers Program. Student chapters request our speakers to give virtual talks to their groups. Simply fill out your speaker profile on the Connect website and you'll be searchable in the directory. (

    Jill Capello
    Membership Associate
    Catonsville MD

  • 60.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:48

    Retired member or not, I would hope that you have found interactions during your career with various aspects of INFORMS that interest you. My advice on any volunteer role is that it should be related to your interests which is why I keep sending people to the society level of INFORMS to be as close as possible to your interests. -Robin

    Robin Dillon-Merrill
    Georgetown University
    Washington DC

  • 61.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:46

    How has volunteering with INFORMS benefitted you – both personally and professionally?

    Jill Capello
    Membership Associate
    Catonsville MD

  • 62.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:49

    Is there any volunteer opportunity with informs journals, and what are the best ways of participating if there is?

    Vahideh Sadat Abedi
    Associate Professor
    California State University Fullerton
    Orange CA

  • 63.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:53

    If you have a specific journal in mind, you can reach out to us and we will pass your information along to the appropriate managing editor who can share any volunteering opportunities they may have available.

    Jill Capello
    Membership Associate
    Catonsville MD

  • 64.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:58

    To add on to Jill's point, journals need lots of reviewers but only with the right expertise. Are you submitting research papers to INFORMS journals? That is certainly a way for the editors to know your area of expertise and tap you when they need reviewers. 

    Robin Dillon-Merrill
    Georgetown University
    Washington DC

  • 65.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:51

    I find that volunteering helps build a network because through your volunteer role you generally would interact with people you haven't otherwise. For example, each society needs help organizing the talks for the track of the conference. That could involve interactions with many of those speakers to make sure everything aligns.

    Robin Dillon-Merrill
    Georgetown University
    Washington DC

  • 66.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:51

    How do I get involved with your mentoring program?

    Jill Capello
    Membership Associate
    Catonsville MD

  • 67.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 13:54

    The Mentor Match program that runs for approximately 5 months with sessions starting in October and April. Mentees are able to search for a mentor during the month prior to the program start date. There is a call on the first day of the program to answer any questions you may have. Mentees are expected to complete a goal setting worksheet which they will share with their mentor so they both know what they're working towards. We expect the mentor/mentee to connect for at least one hour per month. Mentor registration is open now and mentee registration will open on September 15th.

    Jill Capello
    Membership Associate
    Catonsville MD

  • 68.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-22-2023 14:00

    We are at the end of the hour. Thank you to Robin and Sofia! If you posted a question that was not addressed, we will get back to you. And if you have any other volunteer related questions, please post them on this thread as it will stay open. Thank you to everyone who participated. Enjoy the rest of your day! 

    Jill Capello
    Membership Associate
    Catonsville MD

  • 69.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-23-2023 12:47

    Here's a recommendation for finding an INFORMS community and volunteering within that community:

    Go to the INFORMS Communities page (
    Explore the various communities until you find one that interests you.
    On the homepage of the community of interest, select About Us -> Officers.
    Contact one of the officers to inquire about volunteer opportunities.
    Join the community through the Self-Service Center.

    Erick Wikum
    Wikalytics, LLC
    Maineville OH

  • 70.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 08-25-2023 14:39

    Let's slightly change the topic from volunteering to participation.   A starting point is to attend a meeting - the national / international meeting,  a conference in your local area.  a local chapter meeting, a student chapter, etc.   This is a good place to start.  Second find a person who has participated before to serve a a mentor.  A long time ago in a galaxy far away I started participating - I didn't know anyone or how to start - didn't have any idea on how to get a plane ticket.  Fortunately IBM assigned me a mentor and covered my travel.  I promised the IBM VP who approved the travel I would pay forward by helping new comers as a I aged.  I have now aged - standing offer to help anyone get started -  Getting started participating was one of the best decisions I made

    Ken Fordyce
    director analytics without borders
    Wilmington DE

  • 71.  RE: Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS

    Posted 09-12-2023 13:45
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    As promised on our Ask Me Anything: Volunteering with INFORMS event, we've compiled a list of some INFORMS Volunteer Opportunities. Please take a look and, if anything interests you,  click on the links for more information. And if you can't find the answer you're looking for, you can always reach out to me. 

    Jill Capello
    Membership Associate
    Catonsville MD


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