Engage in Mentoring

Registration for the spring 2024 session is closed.
Registration for the fall 2024 session will begin in September.

Be a part of the INFORMS Mentor Match program!

Mentees - benefit from the experience of your fellow members and

Mentors - enhance your own communication and leadership skills while empowering others to reach their aspirations. 

-We offer two five-month sessions per year, beginning in October and April. 

-Mentor registration is now open: online enrollment form  

-Mentee registration will open on April 1st. At that time, mentees can register and search for a potential mentor. Please choose your mentor by April 14th. If you're having trouble finding a match, staff will assign you a mentor. All matches will be made prior to the program start date. 

-The mentee will complete and share with their mentor a goals worksheet prior to the first session.

-There will be a “Welcome to Mentor Match” call on the first day of the session to go over details and answer any questions you may have. 

-Mentors and mentees are expected to connect for at least one hour per month (via phone, Zoom, Teams…) 

-Mentees will receive a “check-in” email monthly to ensure that you are indeed connecting with your mentor regularly.

Any questions, please take a look at the Mentoring FAQ’s, or email Jill Capello at jcapello@informs.org.


First, complete your INFORMS profile. Make sure your email is up to date, add a recent professional profile picture, and import your information from LinkedIn. 


Next, complete the online enrollment: 

  •   Enroll as a Mentor
  •   Enroll as a Mentee

Please note that some fields are required for enrollment; others are optional. Potential matches will be able to search the directory by these demographics. 


Use the directory to input your search criteria. 

If your search turns up too few options, widen the parameters and try again. If you can't find a suitable match, contact Jill Capello, jcapello@informs.org for assistance.


Once you've found someone you'd like to work with, click on the member's name. Click on the Request Mentor button to send a message.

At the start of your mentoring relationship, it's important to set goals. Complete the goal setting work sheet to help you think through what you want to get out of your mentoring experience. Then set up a call or meeting with your mentor and share your goals with them.

Questions? Check out our Mentor Match FAQs!

       Important Dates

  • Check back for fall
    registration details