October 1989, New York, NY
- Management Science Techniques in Investment Management
- Management Science in Financial Services at Merrill Lynch
- Decision Sciences in Risk Management
- The Effective Practice of OR in the UK
- Presidential Issues: A Discussion with the TIMS President-Elect and the ORS President
- OR and IT Constructive Coexistence
- Promoting OR to New Organizations
- Recruitment of Quality OR Candidates
- Graduate Curriculum Guidelines
- Academic/Practitioner Interface
May 1989, Vancouver British Columbia, Canada
- Management Science Collaboration
- Career Development for the Management Scientist
- Meeting with TIMS Council
- TIMS Public Relations Program
- Proposal for a Careers Booklet
February 1989, San Diego, CA (Photos)
- The Logic of Joint Research and Development
- Managing Modern Manufacturing Systems
- Manufacturing Systems Management: A Review by Roundtable Members
October 1988, Denver, CO
- Reflections of a Dean on Leading a Business School to Excellence
- United We Stand: Practitioners and Academicians Working Towards Future
- Presidential Issues: A Discussion with TIMS President-Elect
- The Relationship between TIMS and ORSA
- The Umbrella Strategy for TIMS
- TIMS as an International Organization
- Academic-Practitioner Relations
- TIMS Public Relations
- Public Relations in Secondary Schools
April 1988, Washington, D.C.
- Marketing Information Systems Development at Hallmark Cards
- OR/MS in the Federal Government
- Meeting with TIMS Council:
- Academic/Practitioner Interface
- Public Relations Program
February 1988, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
- Strategic Management Services at Digital
- Management Sciences and the Productivity/Quality Movement
October 1987, St. Louis, MO
- Information Services and MS/OR
- Presidential Issues: A Discussion with the TIMS President-Elect
- Improving the Value of TIMS to Practitioners
- Should TIMS Add Paid Proactive Leadership or Increase Dues?
- How Can TIMS Aid Production and Operations Management
- Success Profile of an MS/OR Professional
May 1987, New Orleans, LA
- MS/OR/DSS and the Information Technologies
- MS/OR at American Airlines
- Meeting with TIMS Council: Follow-up of Roundtable Report, "Problems and Opportunities Facing MS/OR"
February 1987, Baltimore, MD
- General Discussion
- What Can TIMS Do for the Roundtable?
- Managing the New Careerists
October 1986, Miami Beach, FL
- MS/OR and Corporate Strategy/Strategic Information Systems
- Challenges and Opportunities in MS/OR
- MS/OR at Decision Technologies Division of EDS (GM)
April 1986, Los Angeles, CA
- Problems and Opportunities for TIMS
- Optimization on the PC
- Artificial Intelligence on the PC
- The CPMS Personal Computer Users Group
- Meeting with TIMS Council: Problems and Opportunities Report
January 1986, Tampa, FL
- Strategic Direction of TIMS and the Roundtable
- Quantitative Approaches Presented in Terms Even Spouses Can Understand
- The Riverside/DEC Exercise and the Role of the Analyst in Negotiation
- Resolving Business Disputes
- Management Science Involvement in Negotiation (Panel Discussion)
November 1985, Atlanta, GA
- Public Relations
- Executive Support Systems
- Intelligent Decision Systems
- Public Relations
April 1985, Boston, MA
- Informal Working Group Session
- Meeting with TIMS Council:
- Promoting MS/OR
- University Policy Forum
- University Cooperative Exchange
- Knowledge Exchange
- Software Evaluation
February 1985, Clearwater Beach, FL
- The Impact of Computer Technologies
- Management Science in Ferment: Where Is It Going and What Should We Do about It?
November 1984, Dallas, TX
- Planning the Future of the Roundtable
- Visual Interactive Simulation: Demonstration and Discussion
- OR/MS on Microcomputers
May 1984, San Francisco, CA
- Integrating an Advanced DSS into the Management Process: The Firestone Experience
- Supporting Expert Decision Makers: Demonstration and Discussion
- Meeting with TIMS Council: Review of TIMS Council Retreat Results
February 1984, New York, NY
- Member Activities and Cooperation with the Roundtable
- Artificial Intelligence
- Improving the Communications Skills of MS/OR Professionals
November 1983, Orlando, FL
- Decentralization and Absorption of MS/OR: A Sign of Success or Failure?
- Spreadsheet Models as a Spawning Ground for MS/OR Models: Promoting the Urge for Greater Analytical Power
- Management Science in Marketing
April 1983, Chicago, IL
- Atlanta Study Group Reports
- Breakfast with Gary Lilien, Editor of Interfaces
- Meeting with TIMS Council:
- Top Management Concerns
- Interfaces
- Enhancing the Image of MS/OR
January 1983, Atlanta, GA
- Decision Support Systems
- Distinguished Lecturer/Practitioner Program
- Microcomputer Opportunities