
The Section on Energy, Natural Resources, and the Environment (ENRE) is organized to:
  • promote the development and application of operations research/management science methods, techniques, and tools to the solution of problems relating to energy, natural resources and/or the environment,
  • encourage the exchange of information among practitioners and users in energy, natural resources, and environmental applications areas, and
  • promote the maintenance of high professional standards in the application of operations research/management science to problem areas in energy, natural resources, and/or the environment.

2023 INFORMS Annual Meeting @ Phoenix, AZ, October 20-23, 2024

Cluster Sessions
At every INFORMS Annual Meeting, ENRE organizes and sponsors a number of streams, listed below. Please get in touch with the chairs if you want to contribute to a session or talk on a relevant subject at the next INFORMS meeting in 2023!

ENRE Electricity

Haoxiang Yang, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen


ENRE Energy

Erick C. Jones, Jr., University of Texas at Arlington



ENRE Energy and Climate

Michael Craig, University of Michigan



ENRE Environment and Sustainability

Hongyue Jin, University of Arizona



ENRE Natural Resources

Esra Buyuktahtakin Toy, Virginia Tech


We would like to express our gratitude towards these dedicated researchers & professionals for providing this important service to our community!

Best Paper Awards
Every year, ENRE awards a number of prizes to outstanding academic contributions in the field of Operations Research & Management Science with applications in energy, natural resources, the environment. Nomination procedures and further details will be announced via the ENRE newsletter and mailing list.

ENRE Student Best Paper 
Committee Chair: Frauke Liers (frauke.liers@fau.de)

ENRE Young Researcher Prize
Committee Chair: Sabah Bushaj (sbush010@plattsburgh.edu)

ENRE Best Publication – Energy
Committee Chair: Line Roald (roald@wisc.edu)

ENRE Best Publication – Natural Resources
Committee Chair: Mesut Yavuz (myavuz@cba.ua.edu)

ENRE Best Publication – Environment and Sustainability
Committee Chair: Christoph Weber (christoph.weber@uni-due.de)


Hotelling Medal:
Committee Chair: Benjamin Hobbs, John Hopkins 



Cluster chairs to invite sessions chairs         April 17, 2024

Session chairs to invite speakers                  May 1, 2024

Presenters to enter abstracts                        May 15, 2024

Speaker Registration                                     August 1, 2023 

Nomination for Harold Hotelling Medal for Lifetime Achievement in ENRE : May 14, 2024

More information and past winners
We would like to congratulate the winners of the Awards in previous years! Read more...

"Society Spotlight" featuring ENRE in OR/MS Tomorrow, the INFORMS Student Magazine
OR-MS-Tomorrow-logo_cardlarge.pngOR/MS Tomorrow, the INFORMS Student just published an issue on "Operation Research & Management in Energy and Environment". They feature a "Society Spotlight" article on ENRE laying on the mission and history of our section - and our commitment to provide an open and welcoming platform for students at the intersection of OR/MS, energy, and the environment!

Our Community

Leadership & Officers

President : Sandra Ekşioğlu

President-elect : Benjamin D. Leibowicz

Secretary-Treasurer : Luce Brotcorne 

Communications & OutreachAadya Bhattarai

Past-Presidents : 

Antonio Conejo

Hayri Önal

Miguel F. Anjos

Past Secretary-Treasurers:

Sauleh Siddiqui

Sandra Ekşioğlu

Benjamin D. Leibowicz

Past Communications & Outreach:

Diwas Paudel

Daniel Huppmann

Vignesh Subramanian

Kevin Melendez

Read here for more info and contact details...