This award is given annually to the best paper dealing with energy, environmental, or natural resource issues by a student author who is presenting at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, as judged by a panel of the Energy, Natural Resources, and the Environment Section. Award finalists will present their submitted papers in the award session at the INFORMS Annual Meeting.
Nomination and deadlines
More information on nomination procedure, deadlines and the selection committee of each ENRE award click here.
Winner: Felipe Cordera, Rodrigo Moreno and Fernando Ordoñez
Publication: "Unit Commitment Problem with Energy Storage Under Correlated Renewables Uncertainty".
Award committee: Sabah Bushaj, Gokce Palak, Wake Forest U., Sevilay Onal, U. of Illinois Springfield,Bo Shen, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Winner: Heraldo Rozas
Publication: "Condition-based maintenance for wind farms using distributionally robust chance constrained program".
Award committee: Frauke Liers (chair), Hanane Dagdougui, Roger Z. Ríos-Mercado, Antonio Frangioni, Lars Schewe.
Winner: Dirk Lauinger
Award committee: Feng Qiu (chair), Yury Dvorkin, Sonja Wogrin, Yiling Zhang, Ying Zhang, Chaoyue Zhao.
Winner: Jacob Mays (student), David Morton and Richard O’Neill
Manuscript: "Asymmetric Risk and Fuel Neutrality in Capacity Markets ".
Winner: Beste Basciftci, Student at H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
Manuscript: "Stochastic optimization of maintenance and operations schedules under unexpected failures". IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 33(6), 6755 - 6765, 2018.
Committee Chair: Boris Defourny, Lehigh University
Winners from previous years
Click here for a full list of past recipients of the Student Best Paper Award...