Early Career Professionals' Network
Awarded to one student each year to attend the INFORMS Business Analytics Conference.
2022: Christina Stradwick (Kennesaw State University)
2018: Siyu Wang (UC Davis)
Monsanto Travel Award, 2016 and 2017
Monsanto sponsored two WORMS students to travel to the INFORMS Annual Meeting in 2016 and 2017, for up to $1300 each!
WORMS Analytics Scholarship Award, 2013
Owing to many generous sponsors, WORMS was able to sponsor attendance for two students to the Industry Professional Colloquium at the INFORMS Business Analytics and Operations Research Conference in San Antonio April 7-9, 2013. The two recipients were
1. Andrea Gallego, Candidate for Masters in Business Analytics at Fordham Business School, Fordham University, and
2. Fang Dong, PhD Candidate in the Industrial & Operations Engineering Dept. at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor