INFORMS Doctoral Colloquium

Colloquium Awards

Application Deadline is closed.

The Colloquium awards provide financial support to OR/MS graduate students to attend the INFORMS Doctoral Colloquium at the Annual Meeting and the Early Career Professionals' Network (ECPN) at the Business Analytics conference, respectively.

2024 WORMS Doctoral Colloquium Award

The Forum for Women in OR/MS (WORMS) will sponsor one student member to attend the Doctoral Student Colloquium at the 2024 INFORMS Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington, October 20-23, 2024. The award includes registration to the 2024 INFORMS Annual Meeting, the Doctoral Student Colloquium, and a one-year membership of WORMS. 

To be considered, applicants (of any gender) should include the following additional items to the nomination package they send out to apply to the Doctoral Student Colloquium:

  • A note stating that the student is interested in applying for the Women in OR/MS (WORMS) Doctoral Colloquium Award. 
  • A brief paragraph describing their interest in supporting Women in OR/MS (50-150 words). 
  • A letter of recommendation from the department chair or supervisor. 

To be clear, the entire nomination package should be sent to the organizers of the Doctoral Student Colloquium. Please refer to their page for the deadline. Applicants should not send their documents to WORMS. WORMS will assess the applications based on their application components.  Recipients will be notified by the selection committee before the INFORMS Annual Meeting.  

For inquiries about this award, please contact WORMS President Dr. Wilkistar Otieno ( 

Past Winners

INFORMS Annual Meeting 2024

Aysu Ozel (Northwestern University)

Emerald Dudzinzki (Virginia Tech)

INFORMS Annual Meeting 2023

Aida Sanatizadeh (University of Illinois at Chicago)

INFORMS Annual Meeting 2022

Vidita Gawade (Rutgers University)

Caroline Johnston, University of Southern California

INFORMS Annual Meeting 2021

Maryam Alimohammadi (University of Arkansas)

INFORMS Annual Meeting 2019

Fatemeh Karami (University of Louisville)

Doctoral Colloquium Award - INFORMS Annual Meeting 2018

Toyya Pujol (Georgia Tech) 


Emily Tucker (University of Michigan) 

Doctoral Colloquium Award - INFORMS Annual Meeting 2016

WORMS sponsored one student to attend the 2016 INFORMS Doctoral Colloquium.