

One of the missions of WORMS is to facilitate meaningful connections among women in the field of OR/MS. To this end, the WORMS Mentorship Program pairs WORMS members looking for mentorship with other members who are willing to serve as mentors based on their interests in academic or industrial careers, job searches, research directions, and work/life balance.


The WORMS Mentorship Program pairs mentors and mentees based on their interests in career path, job search, research direction, and work/life balance. Please note that this program is open to all genders. If you are looking for advice and guidance, or if you are willing to share your experiences, please sign up here today. If you would like to participate in the Coffee and Conversations program at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, please complete the form by October 5th, 2023. 

Here is what we have in store for the program this year:
  • Matching information and program guidelines will be sent out to all participants in October before the INFORMS Annual Meeting.
  • If you are attending the INFORMS Annual Meeting 2023,  please join our sponsored Coffee and Conversations.
  • We will continue the mentorship program for the rest of the year on facilitated discussions.
More information about Coffee and Conversations at the Annual Meeting will be sent to program participants after the matchings are finalized.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email