

Section Membership

If you are already an INFORMS member, the membership fee for the Service Science Section is a small add-on fee that you declare you want to add at the time of joining/renewing your INFORMS membership. Student and retired INFORMS member fees are discounted.

To join at any time of the year, please fill out the subdivision membership application form located here (look for "Join Today!" toward the bottom of the page). If you are not an INFORMS member, you can join via

You must be an INFORMS member to participate in INFORMS activities, such as the annual conference. However, you can join the Section on Service Science without joining INFORMS. With this special non-INFORMS membership, you will receive the Section's newsletter and will be kept informed on the Section's activities. You can always join INFORMS later, if, for example, you find that you would like to attend an INFORMS conference.