Cybersecurity Threats, Vulnerabilities and Risk Assessment
Doug Samuelson, President and Chief Scientist
InfoLogix, Inc.
When: Wednesday, December 12, 2018, 12 Noon – 2PM
Place: The Penn Club,
30 West 44th Street, New York, NY
Between 5th and 6th Avenues in Midtown Manhattan
We will discuss various risks to information systems, both government and commercial, and deficiencies in how risks are typically assessed. Douglas Hubbard asserts that the biggest risk in cybersecurity is that we are measuring risk badly. Hence we choose courses of action that make us feel more confident, perhaps overconfident, without enhancing security much, while neglecting more serious needs. I go even farther. I state, illustrating with actual examples, that some “solutions” actually increase vulnerability to what has been, so far, the biggest cause of major failures: errors in design and coding by the people trying to improve security.
Speaker Bio:
Douglas A. Samuelson, D.Sc., is President and Chief Scientist of InfoLogix, Inc., a small Washington, D.C. area research and development and consulting company. He has extensive experience in risk assessment, including cybersecurity risks, in both government and private sector settings. He also writes the ORacle column and frequent feature articles for OR/MS Today and Analytics.