INFORMS Open Forum

ORAHS International Seminar Series -- 21st Event

  • 1.  ORAHS International Seminar Series -- 21st Event

    Posted 6 days ago

    Dear all,

    The Center for Healthcare Operations Improvement and Research (CHOIR) at the University of Twente announces the 21st talk in the ORAHS International Seminar Series.

    The ORAHS International Seminars are planned monthly via Zoom in the late afternoon (Europe), morning (US), or evening (Asia/Pacific).

    Please save the date and register for this seminar here:

    Our next speaker will be Professor Dimitris Bertsimas. Dr. Dimitris Bertsimas is the Boeing Professor of Operations Research and the Associate Dean of Business Analytics at the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a member of the US National Academy of Engineering, an INFORMS fellow, recipient of the John von Neumann Theory Prize, the Frederick W. Lanchester Prize, the Erlang Prize, finalist of the Franz Edelman Prize four times, and the INFORMS President's Award, among many other research and teaching awards, supervisor of 91 completed and 26 current doctoral theses, co-author of seven graduate level textbooks, 300+ publications, editor of the INFORMS Journal on Optimization and co-founder of ten analytics companies and two non-profit foundations. On 24 September 2024, at 16:00 (CEST), he will talk about "The R.O.A.D. to precision medicine".

    More information about Dimitris Bertsimas can be found here:

    For more information about our seminar presentations, please follow this link:

    We look forward to seeing you soon and often in the ORAHS International Seminar Series.

    CHOIR Group

    University of Twente

    Amin Asadi
    Assistant Professor
    University of Twente