INFORMS Open Forum

Call for proposal: 2023/2024 INFORMS Simulation Society Research Workshop

  • 1.  Call for proposal: 2023/2024 INFORMS Simulation Society Research Workshop

    Posted 09-19-2022 11:06

    Dear INFORMS Simulation (I-Sim) members,

    After a successful virtual I-Sim Research Workshop in 2021, we would like to continue the tradition and hold the next I-Sim workshop. Considering the hovering uncertainties related to COVID-19, especially for international travels, I-Sim is calling for proposals to host the research workshop in Summer 2023 or Summer 2024 using an in-person or hybrid format, which will need to be clearly stated in the proposal by potential organizers.

    If you are interested in organizing the next I-Sim Research Workshop, please send an email to to indicate your intent to submit a proposal. I-Sim will evaluate proposals as they come in, but for best consideration of the proposal, please submit the proposal by December 31, 2022.

    The proposal should be at most two pages, and briefly describe the following items:

    (1) Proposed organizers (chair and co-chairs).

    (2) Research theme and high-level description of technical program structure (e.g., rough composition of plenary speakers, posters, invited / contributed papers, etc.)

    (3) Proposed venue.

    (4) Potential sources of local administrative and financial support.

    (5) A short list of local academic departments and industrial groups who are active in the proposed research / application areas.

    (6) Any other factors that would help ensure the success of the workshop.

    (7) Suggested dates (in summer 2023 or 2024, may be approximate). With respect to dates, the goal is to avoid, as much as possible, conflicts with other INFORMS-sponsored conferences and with other major conferences in the areas of simulation and applied probability. The workshop may be scheduled in 2023 or 2024.

    (8) Proposed format. Unless there will be new COVID related major disruptions, the workshop is expected to be in-person or hybrid. The proposal should clearly state whether the format will be in-person only or hybrid.

    (9) A COVID-19 contingency plan.

    You can find details of past workshops from the following link:


    Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

    Best regards,

    Jie Xu

    I-Sim President

    Jie Xu
    Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research
    George Mason University
    Fairfax VA