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But Are You Happy? New research exposes the relationship between advertising and life satisfaction

  • 1.  But Are You Happy? New research exposes the relationship between advertising and life satisfaction

    Posted 06-18-2024 13:45

    BALTIMORE, MD, June 18, 2024 – Advertising has long been known to depict a virtual reality of life leading some people to expect more out of life than is practical. This is driven by idyllic imagery and storytelling, among other techniques such as an emphasis on materialism. 

    Click here to read the full press release.

    Ashley Smith
    Public Relations Specialist
    Baltimore MD

  • 2.  RE: But Are You Happy? New research exposes the relationship between advertising and life satisfaction

    Posted 06-21-2024 18:27

    Thanks for sharing the article, Ashley.

    I agree with one observation in the study; advertisement makes the consumers believe that this product will improve their life drastically.

    But in reality, once the consumer gets the product in his/her hands, the actual experience  may be far different from expected. In this case, it is a quick inference that; advertisement may not make our lives happy and satisfying always.
    That's my two cents, will be glad to know other's thoughts here.

    Jayant Singh
    San Leandro CA