INFORMS Open Forum

Are we rendering ourselves to Social media

  • 1.  Are we rendering ourselves to Social media

    Posted 3 hours ago

    Hello colleagues,
    It is widely accepted that social media and tech companies have simplified our lives by automating it and helping us to express ourselves online. At the same time, it seems they are consuming lots of our eye minutes in a day. On top of this, the issue of individual privacy which is being attacked by ads following us on the internet.

    Recently, I came across a book, which has provided a rigorous treatment to this subject.

    The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: the fight for a Human Future at the New frontier of power by Shoshana Zuboff

    While reading this book, following thoughts entered my mind; are we surrendering our lives to technology. Is it for our convenience that, we click on Accept Cookies for convenient browsing experience. Or, rather than registering on a new website, we choose Login with Facebook/Google to avoid any delays.

    It will be interesting to hear others sharing their thoughts on this topic.

    Jayant Singh
    San Leandro CA