by Liang Sun

TACC is a computation center maintained by UT. Some students use it for research. Below is a quick guide to submitting a job to TACC. 
MAC terminal was used for all these steps. This was originally done to run a java job. The details can be found here:
1. Open one terminal and log in to TACC lonestar5
ssh taccuserid@ls5.tacc.utexas.edu
Then enter password.
2. I used Git for transferring files between TACC and my local machine. The details about how to use github can be found on the github website. Now suppose you already have all your files in github repository, say "GIT_REPO", and the address is http://GIT_REPO.
(Here, be sure to include in the directory the launcher.slurm file that is attached , which you need to edit for submitting job)
Then after you login, clone the git repository to your directory:
login1$ git clone 
Then you will have the GIT_REPO directory with all the files you need to run a job. Then go to GIT_REPO directory. 
3. Create a file with all commands you need for running a job, say XX.cmd. (Basically what you input in local terminal to run the program.) (By the way, I use vi for editing files in terminal)
4. Editing launcher.slurm file:
Be sure to change Scheduler Options in the file: -J Job name, -o output name, -t run time limit, -A (project/allocation name, which you can find in your TACC user portal)
Also change General Options in the file: LAUNCHER_WORKDIR is your working directory and LAUNCHER_JOB_FILE is XX.cmd file you created in step 3. (Notice here, what I did is different from the instructions in https://portal.tacc.utexas.edu/user-guides/lonestar5. This is because I previously used this file for submitting job on stempede instead of lonestar5, but this works for me.)
5. Submitting job.
login1$ sbatch launcher.slurm -A Ned-Research
(Ned-Research is your allocation/project name). 

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